Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22nd's Weekly TV Thoughts

Race to Survive: New Zealand – So sorry to see Eddie go out, especially since it looks like he just tripped over a root.  Always smart to quit instead of risking ruining your life, however, so I get it.  I hope that woman with the bad ankle doesn’t push too hard because that seems bad.  I just wish they’d given us some kind of update on Eddie.

 The Acolyte – That wasn’t quite as bad as the last episode.  Well, except for Mae’s sudden about face.  What the heck was that all about?  It made absolutely no sense to me.  The ending?  The only exciting thing, and it was a cliffhanger to get us to come back next week.

1 comment:

  1. The Acolyte series has the same effect on me as I imagine sleepytime tea would. :-)


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