Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7th's Sunday/Monday Post

That time of the week again.  Welcome to the Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

I finally broke down this week and went into urgent care.  What finally pushed me over the edge was a my throat had started to really hurt.  The doctor took one look at me and said, "You must have a high pain tolerance."  She tested for a couple of things, which came back as negative, but the prescriptions kicked in right away.  I stayed home on the 4th, but I'm feeling much better.

In fact, I went out paddleboarding this morning.  First time I'd been out since I injured my shoulder a year ago May.  So about 14 months.  My shoulder let me know I hadn't done it in a long time, but I think it was just out of practice and not leading to a new injury.  As I type this Saturday afternoon, I don't feel it at all.  We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

Other than that, it was monthly close at work, so we were busy.  Yes, we had Thursday off, but I was back to work on Friday.  That does help me remember what day of the week it is.  Thursday felt weird, but with working yesterday, my sense of the day of the week was back to normal.  Well, mostly back to normal.  I did keep thinking yesterday was Monday for a while.

Joke of the Week:

Be thankful it's not snowing outside.
Imagine shoveling snow in this heat.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: Murder on Devil's Pond by Ayla Rose
Tuesday - TV Show Review: Murder, She Wrote - Season 8
Wednesday - Book Review: Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket by Laura Levine
Thursday - Movie Review: Guys and Dolls
Friday - Book Review: The Wrong Side of Goodbye by Michael Connelly
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Oh boy, did I get a lot of books this week.

Sarah E. Burr made all of her independently published books free on Smashwords for the month of July.  Well, how can you pass up free?  While I'm not interested in her slightly paranormal series (I typically avoid them with a few exceptions), that included all of her Court of Mystery books.  I only had the first five, so I snagged the other eight.  I mean, you can't turn down free, right?  I highly recommend you check our her books if you are looking for some fun mysteries.  The link will take you to the free ones on Smashwords.  I've already enjoyed the Book Blogger Mysteries, which are free this month as well.

No, those books weren't enough.  I also got One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan.  This is one of her stand alone suspense books, and I got the audio version free from the library.

Finally, my local used bookstore was having a sale on the 4th - half off everything in the store.  Believe it or not, I only came away with one book.  Yes, I saw some other things I could have bought, but I have no idea when I would read them.  The book I did buy was And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss.  They actually had quite a few copies of that particular book on the shelves.

What I'm Currently Reading:

As I type this Saturday afternoon, I'm about 15% into One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan.  It's been set up so far, but I think we are about to get to the first big twist.  It will be interesting to see where this book goes.

Friday night, I finished Joshua Tree by Sandy Dengler.  This is book seven in her Jack Prester Mysteries, which feature an investigator for the National Parks.  Obviously, he's in Joshua Tree for this one, and I really enjoyed it.  Honestly, it's kind of nice to be visiting the characters period since I thought the series had ended years ago.

Now, I'm reading A Very Woodsy Murder by Ellen Byron.  This is the first in a new series from her.  I'm two chapters in so far.  It's been set up, but I'm enjoying it.  I definitely love the setting, a run down motel outside a fictional National Park in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains.

That's it for me this week.  Hope you have a fantastic one.


  1. Good to hear that you finally have a diagnosis and medication for your long-hanging-on cold! Those things can be really nasty. I hope you can keep enjoying your paddling.
    best, mae at

  2. I'm sorry your not feeling well. I hope you enjoy all your reading!

  3. So glad you finally headed to the doctor and got an effective treatment. Hope you continue to be able to do more paddleboarding without injury.

    I like the sound of that mystery set in an imaginary national park!

  4. Oh, gosh, and I love that joke. We live where it is hot most of the year, and people are always commenting on how hard it is to live where it's so hot. My husband always tells them, "I will say that I've never had to shovel heat in my life."

  5. Yeah, what a struggle it would be to shovel snow in intense heat! LOL. I'm so glad you're finally feeling better and you're getting back to paddleboarding. The Glenmyre Whim Mysteries is my favorite series that Sarah writes. Overall my favorite cozy theme is light paranormal, but one of the great things about her books is that there's something for everyone. Have a great week. :)

  6. I'm glad you were able to get your throat looked at and are on the mend.

    Looks like a ton of great books are about to be read.

    I would take some of that snow this week if it would cool things down! Ha!

  7. Yeah, that cold or whatever hung on forever, glad you are finally feeling better! I actually do turn down free, LOL. I am not a huge ebook reader so I stopped grabbing all the free books and focus on ebooks I am pretty sure I will find time to read. I hope you enjoy all of your new books.

  8. If you're not feeling good, buying more books always helps. LOL! Glad to hear those meds are helping. Enjoy your week.

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better. Sometimes you do have to finally give in and go to Urgent Care. Your books look great too. I like Ellen Byron's books and should look for that one. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. I'm glad you are feeling better. Now you have to be careful you don't over do it!
    I now really want to read A Very Woodsy Murder and will have to wait till my local library has it on order

  11. I am sorry that you felt so awful! A super painful sore throat is terrible. I managed to be sick for my entire trip in Ireland, but it was low level the whole time and now I just have an annoying cough.

  12. Glad your throat infection or whatever it is is finally showing you some relief! Yay for medicine! Also glad you got to get out on the paddleboard!

  13. I’m glad you’re feeling better and that you got back out on the paddle board.


  14. Glad the prescriptions got you back on track and you were able to go paddle boarding! I'm glad you were able to do it with only a little soreness. I love And to Think that I Saw It On Mulberry Street! That was one of my favorite books as a kid and one I always made sure to read to mine. I hope you're having a great week!


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