
Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 16th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to Sunday.  Let's get to another Sunday/Monday post, where I link up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading

I'm getting another late start on this post.  Not as late as last week, but still late enough.  My Saturday started with helping some friends move.  Fortunately, they are just moving across town.  I helped for a couple of hours.

Because I still had to get to the lake.  I actually met up with my paddling friend there.  We haven't both been out on the lake in over a month, so it was nice paddling with her.

I did have a couple of hours at home, and I spent it reading, napping, and talking to my parents.

Then I headed out to see Neil Simon's play Fools.   The theater department at a local church was putting it on.  Some of the jokes were a little obvious, but overall, I really enjoyed it.  The laughs were great.

So that was today.  What about the rest of the week?  I got my allergy shots, just a couple days later than originally planned since they cancelled my appointment at the last minute.  Still don't know why, but they were able to get me in on Thursday.  Thursday, I also got the oil changed in my car.  And I got my garbage disposal fixed on Wednesday.  Thrilling week.

I did get my Halloween ornaments up.  And I put up my orange lights on my balcony.  So that was nice.  Those are the pictures you've been reading past.  And yes, those monitors are for my work computer.  I use a laptop for personal/blog stuff.

Shall we get to it?

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: Tall Tales by James Ponti
Monday - TV Show Review: The Flash - Season 8
Tuesday - Book Review: A Christmas Candy Killing by Christina Romeril
Wednesday - TV Show Review: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Season 1
Thursday - Book Review: Broken Heart Attack by James J. Cudney
Friday - Book Review: Deadly Valentine by Carolyn Hart
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I seem to have no self-control when it comes to books these days.  At least, most of the books are ebooks again this week.  And most of them were super cheap if not free.

It all started with a couple of freebies.  Via an author email, I found out about Ryan Rivers.  If I signed up for his newsletter, I could get a freebie of a novella in his mystery series - Arbor Day Can be Deadly.  That sounded like fun, so I did it.  Then I discovered that he had a short story that was free right now, so I snagged it, too.  "Halloween Hoedowns Can be Deadly" sounded perfect for this time of year.  I'm hoping to get it in before Halloween, but we will see how the next couple of days go.

Then Gigi Pandian released a Christmas short story in her Secret Staircase series this week.  At 99 cents, I couldn't pass up "The Christmas Caper".

Then, when I was watching The Bookish Hour this week, one of the hosts was raving about Murder in First Position by Lori Robbins.  I was looking it up to add it to my Amazon wish list and discovered it was on sale for 99 cents in Kindle.  Yep, I snagged a copy.

And then I had two pre-orders release this week.  One was a physical book, and it is the last item I bought during Barnes and Nobel's pre-order sale back in January.  Yes, I order this book that long ago, but it's Donna Andrews.  Of course, I'm going to get Dashing Through the Snowbirds.  My other pre-order was another ebook - A Scape Goat for Murder by Jaqueline Vick.  It's book six in that series, and I'm only on book three.  But I do have the other books in the series and it was a good price, so I snagged it.  Now, to make the time to catch up on the series.

For those keeping track at home, that's three novels, one novella, and two short stories.  I'd better get to reading.

What I'm Currently Reading:

When I was home Saturday afternoon, I finished up Broken Heart Attack by James J. Cudney.  This book has been sitting on my Kindle app for far too long.  I enjoyed it, but now I need to read the next to find out what happens next.  And yes, I am behind my usual schedule since I am planning to review the book on Thursday but I just finished it on Saturday.  I like to be a week a head, so I need to get some more reading time in.

Sunday and Monday, I'll be diving into The Plot Thickets, the fifth Garden Squad Mystery from Julia Henry.  I like this series, so I'm looking forward to diving back in and seeing what the characters are up to next.

Hope you have a great week.


  1. Your orange lights are nice for Halloween. I have a Donna Andrews to read but may not get to it right away. Have a good week.

  2. Looks like a great collection of books. Cozies galore! Definitely time for Halloween decor though mine consists of a collection of various pumpkins and a couple of fall wreaths. They'll stay up till Christmas. :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys - see my week:

  3. It sounds like you had a productive week. I like your Halloween decorations and lights! 🎃

  4. Those inexpensive ebooks are what always get to me. I end up with a 1.99 book here and a .99 book there, and pretty soon my Kindle is full of books I haven't had time to read.

    I love seeing all the Halloween decorations, but I'm not much of a decorator myself. I put out a Halloween pumpkin with candy during the week of Halloween that's in my Little Free Library with a lot of Halloween kid books. And that's it for me.

  5. Love your Halloween ornaments! I used to do more decorating. I did buy some solar spider lights to put outside, but haven't done it yet. I should do that! You got some good books it looks like. Like you I can't seem to control myself when it comes to getting more. Hope you have a good week and thanks for visiting my weekly post on Lisa Loves Literature earlier!

  6. I love your decorations! I used to have that same 2 monitor set up when I used to work. Have a great week, Mark!

  7. Free books and Halloween decorations? It all sounds good to me. I haven't been able to decorate for the past 18 years as our living situation didn't make it comfortable. But now that I have my own place? I've got a couple things up and am feeling like I need more as my new neighborhood does decorations really well.

  8. The Plot Tickets looks great! I love cozy mysteries so much.
    Enjoy the week ahead!

  9. Even though you had a slow week, it still sounds like a lovely week. I hope you got the chance to out on the lake again. :D Thanks for stopping by.

  10. When I was growing up we lived at the lake and I miss that. It was nice being able to sit on the dock and watch the fish jump etc. I love your Halloween tree!

  11. I don't have anything up for Halloween yet other than a scary pumpkin on my porch. :) It's fun to see how everyone decorates though. I'll have to watch for your thoughts on She Hulk, I started that show but am behind.

  12. Fun decor! I'm pretty boring (lazy?) and have pumpkin on the step.
    Mary @Bookfan

  13. I don't decorate for any holiday but love to see what others do. I know how it is with not wanting to pass up a good looking book when it is offered for the right price. That's how my Kindle TBR grew to a couple of thousand books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. You're a good friend for helping your friends move. I'm sure they appreciated it. Being on the lake sounds like a perfect weekend. Love the Halloween decor! :)

  15. Love the lights.

    Nice of you to help your friends move.

    Enjoy your book haul and your week.

  16. I like your Halloween ornaments and your orange lights look great. Nice book haul. The Pandian is tempting. Have a good week and Happy Reading. MarthaE

  17. Love the orange lights and the Halloween ornaments. We got some Halloween decorations up outside but that's where my motivation ended and nothing has happened inside! I hope you've had a great week!


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