
Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 25th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Yes, I missed last week again.  But I have a great excuse again.  I was up in Northern California with my family.  My parents had been away on vacation for several weeks, so it was great to see them and hear about their trip.  Saturday, I went with my brother and his family to Great America, an amusement park in the San Francisco area.  I feel like I had been as a little kid, but I hadn't been there in decades.  They have passes and love to go, so it was a great day hanging out with them.

Unfortunately, now that I'm home, I have come down with a cold again.  I thought I might be getting sick before I went up to see them, but I was feeling better while on vacation.  But now that I'm home it's hit me hard.  Congestion, cough, the usual fun stuff.

What's most frustrating about this is I seem to be getting sick every two months or so right now.  And it's summer.  I should be out enjoying the warm weather while I still can.  Trying to take it a little easy this weekend to see if I can shake it.  Hope it doesn't linger like my recent colds seem to like to do.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: Between a Flock and a Hard Place by Donna Andrews
Tuesday - Movie Review: A Fatal Engagement - Nelly Knows Mysteries
Wednesday - Book Review: French Quarter Fright Night by Ellen Byron
Thursday - August Reading Summary
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

It's been two weeks.  Of course, I have lots of books to tell you again.

Three of them come from James J. Cudney.  I've read the first two of the eight books in his Braxton Campus Mysteries, and I plan to get to the third soon.  I was thinking I should watch the price of the rest of the series to see if he lowered the price on them.  Almost immediately, he dropped the prices on books 4 and 5, Mistaken Identity Crisis and Haunted House Ghost.  Naturally, I bought them.  You know me and passing up a deal by now.  Then, he dropped the price on the sixth book as well, so I snagged Frozen Stiff Drink.

Death and Wedding Cake by Nova Walsh had crossed my radar recently.  I couldn't even tell you where at the moment.  But then the price on the Kindle version dropped to free.  Of course, sign me up for that.  (It's not free any more, but it looks like it is 99 cents.)

Speaking of free, I also won an ARC from author K. B. Jackson.  It's Until Depth Do Us Part, the first in her Cruising Sisters series.  I bought the first in her other series recently, so I need to pick up one of them and see what I think of her writing.

Finally, there's 26 Below by Kimberly Woodhouse.  I actually bought this book months ago when I was trying to get free shipping on my brother's birthday present.  Yep, he's had it all this time, but I got it while I was visiting my family.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm about to play that game where I lay down on my couch and see how much reading I get done vs. napping.  I hoping to get a nap in, but I'm also hoping to get more read in A Royal Affair by Allison Montclair.  This is the second in a series about two match makers in London directly after World War II.  I'm very curious to see where the book is going to go.  We just hit some fun twists.

By Monday, I should be working on A Scape Goat for Murder the sixth Frankie Chandler Pet Psychic Mystery from Jacqueline Vick.  One of my goals for the year is to catch up on this series, and this is the latest book.  Frankie is getting married in this one, so I'm anxious to see how that goes.

That's it for me.  Have a wonderful week.


  1. It’s great that you were able to spend time with your family! I hope you feel better soon! Haunted House Ghost looks like a fun fall read.

  2. We always miss folks when they are absent from the linkups, but it's great when they return because they have a lot to share. You certainly have a lot of adventures and books to catch us up on (if that's a phrase!)

    Hope your cold is a fleeting thing! Enjoy A Scape Goat for Murder.

  3. So sorry you're not feeling well, hope you're over it soon.

    I used to live in Fort Ord, Monterey, and a few other places in California and LOVED living there. I moved to Florida to be close to my parents when they got older and my kids are all still here so that's where I'm staying.

    I love Bob Seger and went to his concert at the Cow Palace in San Francisco in '82.

  4. Too bad you keep getting colds or whatever is “bugging”you.

  5. Hope you get enough rest and stay at home time to get better soon. Lots of bugs about so I'm not surprised that one can pick up a cold while traveling. Have a better week.

  6. Sorry you're not feeling well, but I'm glad you got to see your family before you got sick. Have a good week!

  7. The trip to see your parents sounds like a very good time. I hoope your cold goes away soon. Not sure if you like mint tea but I drank a lot of that with honey and helps with the throat and some congestion.

  8. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well but glad that you had a great visit with family Mark. Take care and have a good week!

  9. Yay for being able to see your family again! It's nice that you all are close enough (location) to be able to visit frequently. My family is spread across three states. I am sorry you are sick again, I hope you are over it soon. I like Kimberly Woodhouse's writing and hope to read 26 Below at some point.

  10. Glad you were able to spend time with your family, but sorry to hear you're sick again. When I'm not feeling well I don't feel like doing anything, not even reading, watching t.v., or listening to an audiobook. I hope you feel better soon and it doesn't linger. Have a great week. :)

  11. Family time is always great! Sorry you seem to keep getting sick, I always hate when it happens in the summer, because I'm already miserable from the heat. Have a good week, hope you get to feeling better!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  12. Oh no! A cold! I hope this one disappears asap! Glad you had a nice time with family! I just found out my library hold for Haunted to Death by Frank Anthony Polito is in, can't wait to pick that up this week!

  13. I'm sorry about the cold. I hope you can finally get rid of it. Enjoy your books. They look good. Have a great week!

  14. Summer colds are the worst! What was your favorite ride that you went on? Feel better soooooooooooooon!

  15. I hope you feel better soon. A Royal Affair sounds like it might be a good read, I'll have to have a google.

  16. I’m sorry you’re unwell. Reading and napping sounds like just what you need. All of the books you mentioned sound good. I’ll be following to read your reviews.

  17. I hope this cold doesn't linger. Colds always seem worse in the summers. You had a nice book haul this week. I took advantage of deals too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  18. I hope you're feeling better soon! Your trip north sounds fun, especially revisiting an amusement park after decades away.

  19. Oof, hope you can kick the cold soon. Looks like you have some fun new mysteries to read at least!

  20. I'm missed a couple of months worth of Sunday Posts now I think. Life just keeps taking over. I hope you feel better soon. Colds are no fun and just so draining. Have a great week and enjoy your reading!

  21. I am so sorry you are sick again, that is so frustrating as it curtails your usual activities! Your trip to see family sounds really good, relaxing, and fun.


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