
Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11th's Sunday/Monday Post

That time of the week again - time for a Sunday/Monday Post, where I link up with:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday

Yes, it's been two weeks since I last did one of these.  Let's catch up.

Tuesday the 30th, I went to see Clue at one of the theaters here in Los Angeles.  This is a stage play based on the 80's movie based on the board game.  It was fun, but it was a bit frenetic for my tastes.  It's very much based on the movie, so I wish I hadn't rewatched the movie back at the beginning of the summer.  I feel like the movie did it better.  But I still had fun and I'm glad I went.

So why didn't I post last weekend?  I went to visit a friend who lives on the central coast here in California.  We played some ultimate Frisbee, hosted some of his friends for a game night, and went tubbing down a local river.  I got so sun burned when we did that.  I took my work laptop and worked from his place for a couple of days, too.  It was just nice to get out of the condo and do something different and very nice to spend some time with him.

After I got home, it's been fairly normal week.  Temps were in the lower to mid-90's, so it was a little cooler than it's been, but it's warming up for the weekend.  Today, is game day, so I'm trying to get some stuff done so I'm ready for that.

All this means I haven't been watching the Olympics nearly as much as I normally would.  In fact, I've got most of the diving (my favorite event) recorded on my DVR to watch over the next few weeks.  At least I'll still get to enjoy that even if later than I normally would.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: Murder in St. George's by M.A. Monnin
Tuesday - Movie Review: Jazz Ramsey - A K-9 Mystery
Wednesday - Book Review: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack
Thursday - TV Show Review: Survivor - Season 46
Friday - Friday Post featuring The Jig is Up
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

It's been two weeks, of course, I have six new books to tell you about.  At least that's better than the weeks I have six new books in one week, right?

Murder at the Elms by Alyssa Maxwell was on sale for Kindle at the beginning of the week.  In fact, as of my typing this Saturday morning it still is.  While this is book 11 in the series and I only have read book one, I went ahead and snagged it.

Then I spotted that The Village Detectives and the Art of Murder by Fiona Walker was on sale.  I know nothing about these books, but they sound like they could be pretty funny.  And since the price for Kindle was 99 cents, I went ahead and snagged it.  Again, this is still on sale as of my typing this.

I also snagged a couple of audiobooks from my library.  The first of those is Listening Woman by Tony Hillerman.  This is the third in his Leaphorn and Chee series.  I've listened to this one already, and I enjoyed it.  Review still to come.

The other audiobook is The Late Show, the first of Michael Connelly's books to feature Renee Ballard.  I know I still have quite a few Michael Connelly books to go to catch up, but it's hard to believe I'm to the point where this character was introduced.  I was so far behind when this book came out just seven years ago.

Waiting for me when I go home from visiting my friend was an ARC of Murder at Glenloch Hill by Clara McKenna.  It's book six in a series set in the early 1900's in England.  I really do like Stella and Lyndy, the main characters, so I'm looking forward to it.  I'll be reading it closer to release day, which is in November.

Finally, we have Between a Flock and a Hard Place, the latest Meg Langslow mystery from Donna Andrews.  I love this series, and I'm really looking forward to reading it.  In fact....

What I'm Currently Reading:

I just finished an ARC of In the Event of Murder by Cynthia Kuhn.  This is the second in the Starlit Bookshop series.  It's has good, although the mystery isn't the strongest.  It comes out in a little over a week, and I'll be reviewing it right around release date.

Up next will be Between a Flock and a Hard Place by Donna Andrews.  Told you I was looking forward to reading it.  I also like to make sure I get the August release in the series read as soon as possible since there's also a Christmas release most years, and it is tradition to read that in December.  As you may have noticed, I try to leave a little time between books in a series.

That's it for me.  Hope you have a great week.


  1. I watched some of the diving at the Olympics, on tv. Spectacular and always entertaining and nail biting.

  2. We have watched more Olympics than we would normally be able to watch. I love that Peacock has replays so we can watch events we would have otherwise missed. I hope you enjoy your new books. Have a great week!

  3. Tubing sounds like so much fun, the burn not so much! I've really enjoyed watching the Olympics (and the diving has been impressive).

  4. I love the Olympics, especially the gymnastics and the water events. It always feels like we are all a little closer during the Olympics.

    Six books in two weeks is excellent. Who can pass up a 99 cent book?!

  5. You've had a lot of fun stuff going on. I don't have any channels or streaming services that carry the Olympics. If I did watch them, I'd probably be most interested in gymnastics. I'm interested in reading your thoughts on Jazz Ramsey. I did a very, very brief review of it on my Sunday Post, but I hope to get a full review up during the week. Have a great week! :)

  6. Hope you enjoy the new books! And hope the sunburn's all healed up, the itch is so bad. XD

    My STS/weekly roundup.

  7. I used to love inner-tubing and would always get too sunburned. I'm glad you had a fun getaway.

  8. I love the cover for Murder at the Elms! I hope it's a good one for you. Have a great week. - Katie

  9. I've only read the first Stella and Lyndy book but have 2-4 on TBR mountain. Now there are six? I may never catch up. I enjoyed Between a Flock and a Hard Place and a, trying to catch up on earlier books in the series as I get a chance. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. It looks like you had a good fortnight of reading.

  11. We saw the play version of Clue last year and really enjoyed it though it is definitely on the frenetic side! I just finished Between a Flock and a Hard Place and so enjoyed it. It's one of my favorite series. I hope you're having a great week!


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