Friday, July 14, 2023

July 14th's Friday Post

It's been HOW long since I did a Friday post?  Yikes!  I need to fix that.  So I'll do one today, linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I'll be pulling teasers from Death in a Pale Hue by Susan van Kirk.

Isn't that a wonderful cover?  This is the first in the Art Center Mysteries.  It came out last year, but I'm just now getting around to reading it.  And here's how it begins:

In the heartless cruelty of my sixth-grade year, I sat behind Ned Fisher in English class, joining in the snickers of my friends.  Ned had ears that stuck out from his head like Dumbo the elephant, and he probably wished he could fly away.  Now, decades later, I found myself once again occupying a seat behind Ned Fisher.

But this time I was in the back of his police car.

I wasn't laughing.

When I read that, I knew I had a great beginning to jump back into the Friday posts with.  It's it just great?  Meanwhile, we find this on page 56:

Louise walked to my office and put a paper on my desk.  "And yet the fourth message today from your esteemed board president."  She dropped it on top of the prospectus.

What does the board president want?  I'm not telling.

Unfortunately, I didn't love the book as much as I had hoped from the opening.  My review will be up Tuesday, so you can come back then and see for yourself what I thought.

Meanwhile, let's move on to this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

What are your thoughts on "happily ever after" endings?

Well, when you read a mystery series (which is most of what I read), you know it's not truly happily ever after.  But, in general, that is what I prefer.  Life is too depressing as it is.  I want to have a happy ending when I set down a book.

Have a great weekend!


  1. "Happily ever after" is somewhat dependent on the genre. Historical fiction, for instance, may not have a happy ending for its characters. If that's how history was, well, that's how it was. But generally I do like things to be tied up pretty neatly, and I like to see characters find happiness where possible. You're right - life is depressing enough without my books adding to that!

    Happy Friday!

  2. I do like that cover and it sounds like it could be a good mystery. I look forward to seeing your review of it.

  3. So glad to have you back!!
    Wonderful artistic cover, indeed! Great snippets too! I can just imagine what Ned looks like!
    Happy weekend!

  4. That's such a great beginning! It made me laugh. Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

  5. I loke happy endings, but only if they are deserved and a natural evolution of the story. Often I prefer ambiguity. "He rides off into the sunset." It is fun think about what might happen next.

  6. I am all about the happy ending! I have quite a list of mysteries that you liked that I plan to read... in ten years or so, when I retire from middle grade! Have you read Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers? I bought it for a friend's birthday because so many people liked it. I'm reading it and am SUPER bothered by the fact that she goes on a walk every morning at 4:45 a.m.... wearing sunglasses. Even in California, it's going to be too dark for a sixty year old to do that!

  7. That is a great cover and a great opening. I agree on happy endings. The nice thing about cozy mysteries is that even though it's not a happy time for everyone, justice is always served and there is almost always a romance with a happily every after. :)

  8. That is a very cool cover! And a great opener too. I do think the Happily Ever After ending depends on the genre. For a mystery, the happiest we can hope for is that justice is done, so that's what I prefer.

  9. I consider a happy ending in a mystery to be the mystery solved satisfactorily. The good thing about cozies is that it's about as happy as an ending for a murder mystery can be! This sounds interesting and I do like the cover.

  10. I don't really read too many HEA. However, a good happily ever after makes for a good change once in awhile. Have a wonderful weekend, Mark☕☔📚💜


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