Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to the middle part of the weekend if you are here in the USA.  Time for a Sunday Post.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It was another fairly quiet week for me.  Work was pretty busy trying to get things ready for quarter end close, which starts when we get back on Tuesday.  It's going to be a long, busy couple of weeks.  It's not off to a great start as some of things I tried to get a jump on Friday didn't happen since our accounting software didn't want to run them.  I logged in Saturday morning, and it still wasn't working right.  Doesn't bode well for next week, does it?  Fortunately, everything else was working, at least Friday.

I'm still stopped up from my cold, but other than that, I feel fine.  I just need my nose to stop running.

Friday night, I went down to a pick up ultimate Frisbee game.  I was debating about going for a couple of reasons - traffic coming home (which didn't turn out to be much worse than normal) and my shoulder.  And sure enough, I felt my shoulder as I was running on the field and as I tried to catch the disc several times.  I was afraid I had made it worse.  And yet, when I got home, I noticed that it was actually feeling better.  Same things Saturday.  I'm hoping that I've turned a corner on it and it will be completely healed in a couple of days.  And I guess this means I don't have an excuse to not exercise now, so maybe I should get back to that.

Blog Spam Comment of the Week:

I've been meaning to add this section to my posts for a while - a chance to highlight and mock a spam comment that especially amused me for some reason.  No, these aren't found on my blog, thanks for my spam filter.  I will be leaving out any identifying details so they hopefully don't get any added publicity.  I'm just doing this for a laugh.

This won't be a regular feature, just something I do from time to time when I have something I want to laugh about.  Although I do have several saved up since I've been meaning to do this with for a while.

Today's spam comment:

Glad I found this article. I can use this on my virtual assistance journey. Keep writing helpful articles like this one. I'll definitely visit this blog

What makes this one so amusing?  It was on a potato chip review.  I'm not sure how that can be used on a virtual assistant journey.  I'm not even sure it was that helpful.  Fun?  Yes.  Amusing?  Probably.  So yes, I laughed when I read it.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Disney Pin Review: The Jungle Cruise - Mickey Mouse the Main Attraction
Tuesday - Book Review: Murder at Sea by Various Authors
Wednesday - May Reading Summary
Thursday - Book Review: Passport to Spy by Nancy Cole Silverman
Friday - Friday Post featuring Hot Pot Murder
Friday - Movie Review: Million Dollar Mermaid
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

We've got us another three book week this week.

I mean, how can you argue with free?  That's how I got two of my books this week.  The first of those was a physical book I won from Lesa's Book Critiques.  If you don't read her blog regularly, she hosts giveaways most Fridays, and I won Murder Served Neat by Michelle Hillen Klump from her.  This is the second in the Cocktails and Catering Mysteries.  I have the first on my Kindle app, which obviously I need to get read now.

(If you aren't a regular at Lesa's, she also hosts a weekly "What We Are Reading" thread on Thursdays that is fun to contribute to.)

Meanwhile, a book I'd been eyeing went free for Kindle.  How can you resist that?  I certainly couldn't, so I got Bowled Over Americano by Carolyn Arnold.  It's the first in a series, and it sounds fun.  That's all I know about it at the moment.

Finally, Diane Vallere put Love Me or Grieve Me on sale.  This is the tenth in her Madison Night series, and it's on sale as she gets ready to release the eleventh here pretty soon.  I'm still behind but catching up (book eight in the series is on deck for July), but I must get a book when it's on sale.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm working on Hot Pot Murder by Jennifer J. Chow.  This is the second in her LA Night Market series.  I had hoped to be further along in it by now, but I am definitely enjoying it.  I just need to sit down and devote some time to helping her characters figure out what is going on.

Up next will be Murder on Madison Square by Victoria Thompson.  I'm so close to getting caught up in the series, and I'm looking forward to revisiting these characters.  It's also my only non-ARC that I will be physically reading for June.  Normally, I try to have a 50/50 mix, but June just had too many new books coming out.  (Well, I'm hoping to work in a middle grade fantasy book, but we will see if I have enough time for that to happen or not.)

Have a great rest of your weekend and a great week!


  1. Sometimes someone from overseas sneaks a comment into my blog, making nice about the blog and its interest, etc. The sender is usually someone selling on their own blog.

  2. Spam Comment of the Week is a brilliant idea.

  3. I'm glad your shoulder is healing. I always find it tricky to navigate doing too much and doing too little.

  4. I must still be flying under the radar with my blog since I don't get spam comments (yet). I sure hope that continues. Fun book covers for you this week- hope you enjoy them all. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  5. Yes to anti-Spam! I get a lot of comments like that -- and there's one commenter who keeps trying over and over though I always delete/mark it as spam. What puzzles me is why some of the spammers think it will help their pizza place in some obscure town in India if the comment DOES appear on my totally American blog!
    best, mae at

  6. Well you can't argue with free books, that's always a welcome score :-)
    Oh my, the spam I get is amazing. One read "You hit the nail on the head" and another said amzing positive post, I'll be back!!!!" and that one was about my cat dying.

  7. I had spam comments like that. Their comments have nothing to do with the actual content of the post. I picked up Bowled Over Americano too. Looks good. Hope you have a great week!

  8. No, you can't argue with free...although I haven't been seeking out as many free books as I had been. I hope you have a great week and things get sorted out at work.

  9. I noticed I had frozen shoulder at yoga class a few years ago, and when I went online to find out what to do for it, it said to take a yoga class. lol

    Ah, there's something marvelous about free books. And I can't resist buying yet another Kindle book when it goes on sale for $1.99.

  10. Glad to hear your shoulder is doing better! Sometimes exercising doing a fun activity relaxes us and improves our range of motion. I hope it continues to improve! Enjoy the rest of your long weekend!

  11. Spammers are a creative bunch. Some of their comments really make me laugh. Hope you get over the cold very soon!

  12. I hope your cold? and shoulder are improving this week. yes sometimes some exercise really helps to keep the body working, not over doing it though. I have enjoyed some Carolyn Heart books. Hopefully, next week will go better than expected, at least it's shorter.

    Happy Memorial Day!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  13. Some of those blog spam comments are hilarious.

    Diana Vallere is an author I've been wanting to read. She did a space opera type series I think if I remember correctly.

  14. LOL! That is funny. Sometimes blogger identifies my own responses to comments on my blog as spam. I want to read that book, Murder at Sea. Not sure I'll have time for it this summer or if I'll even be able to get a copy of it soon, but it's on my radar. I hope your week goes smoothly and you are feeling all better soon! :)

  15. So those odd Spam blog comments. Are they generate by a computer and are phishing for something? Like what? Some weird link to another site? I get so irritated by them. Thanks for the laugh.

  16. Here's hoping your nose clears up.

    Those spam comments are always a riot.

    What a great book haul. Enjoy!

  17. Glad you had a quiet week! And I really love your spam comment section! I had a lot of spam comments on my blog a while back, which is why I had to start moderating the comments on my blog so that way I didn't have to constantly delete the spam comments. Things have been going well for me ever since I started moderating the comments! I also got that same comment too on my reviews, which never made sense to me.

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  18. My spammers are always so flattering ‘This is the best blog post I’ve ever read, I’m going to tell everybody!’ I’m tempted to let the odd one through :)

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  19. I think newer spam is probably part of AI info gathering. Just my theory. Have a great week!
    Mary @Bookfan

  20. I just checked to see if I had any Spam comments and found that a couple of comments by a regular contributor were tossed into the file. I'll have to remember to check more often. Glad to hear your shoulder is getting better. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  21. Must be something in “blogger land” as you’re the second blogger I’ve read that has a cold. I hope your nose starts behaving itself soon!
    Congratulations on your wins!
    I so like Victoria Thompson!
    Happy reading!

  22. Do hope the cold is clearing and the shoulder is mending. Wow work sounds worse than it should be with the software playing up Nice to get some free books, we all love that!!

  23. I had to laugh at the spam comment. I get so many like that and it's always on the weirdest posts! Fingers crossed on your shoulder. Sometimes it helps to get it moving but it's always a bit nerve wracking! Have a great week!

  24. Scam comments on our blogs are so weird. They never make any sense.

  25. I hope your software is working again. I feel your pain!


  26. I hope the software glitch got fixed. And I hope your shoulder is better. The spam comment is funny. Good looking book haul. Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  27. Ultimate frisbee sounds like such a great time.

  28. I'm a real human, lol, but I do have a lot of fun on your blog, especially with lots of hilarious book titles!

  29. Great looking books, and hilarious spam comment! Enjoy the upcoming week.


Thanks for stopping by. In order to combat spam, I moderate most comments. I'll get to your comment as soon as I can.