Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ornament Review: Seasons Treatings #16 - S'mores - 2024 Hallmark Release

Stars: 4 out of 5
Pros: Delicious and cute as always with this series
Cons: S’mores aren’t really a Christmas treat
The Bottom Line:
We get s’more entry
Does try to make Christmassy
Overall, it’s cute

Winterizing a Traditional Summer Treat

When I think of s’mores, I typically think of a camp fire during the summer.  But that didn’t stop Hallmark from using it at the theme for 2024’s Season’s Treatings ornament.  And I was anxious to add it to my collection.

All the makings of s’mores are laid out on a tray.  We’ve got a bowl of marshmallows.  We’ve got two skewers for roasting the marshmallows.  There’s a bowl with graham crackers and chocolate.  We’ve also got a burner to roast the marshmallows over.

The ornament does attempt to still these s’mores Christmassy.  The tray is green, and the bowls and burner are red with red and white on the skewers.  We’ve also got two s’more snowmen in the back of the ornament.

Having said that, I just can’t shake the fact that this is supposed to be a summer treat!  This isn’t the right season for this treatings.  Don’t get me wrong, I love s’mores (what’s not to love?).  But they just aren’t a Christmas treat.

On the other hand, I bought this ornament at ornament premier this month.  I couldn’t wait to get it.  After all, I love s’mores.  I might be tempted to display this one during the summer, but the red and green coloring really does make it a Christmas piece.  And those snowmen really are very cute.

The ornament is dated with the current year.  We get 2024 on the front of the tray.  The series marker in a Christmas tree is on the bottom of the tray.

Since the base of the ornament is a tray, you can easily set it out to be displayed any time or any place you want.

When you go to hang the ornament, you’ll find that it hangs perfectly flat.  I do enjoy the ornaments in this series that hang at a fun angle on purpose, but this isn’t one of them.  Given the s’more snowmen, I feel like that is the right choice with this one.

While I do have to wonder how a s’more fits into a series focused on Christmas treats, I’m not really complaining about this year’s entry in the series.  I find it cute and look forward to enjoying it for years to come.

Here are the rest of the Season’s Treatings ornaments.

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