Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4th's Friday Post

Looks like I've been a bit negligent about doing Friday Posts.  Let's fix that this week, shall we?  I'll be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

This week, I'll be featuring Send in the Clowns by Julie Mulhern.

This series is set in the 1970's.  It's a lot of fun, as you can see from the beginning.

I've tripped over a body.  I've run over a body.  I've even swum into a body.  I never imagined one would fall on me.

Then again, wandering around a place called The Gates of Hell, what did I expect?

See what I mean?  And when I read that opening, I knew I had to use it to restart my Friday Posts.

Meanwhile, on page 56, we find this:

"Jay and I had a nice time last night, and he mentioned he had four tickets to the ballet tonight. Would you join us?" She tried her best imploring look on me. I was impervious to that look. I'd seen it too often.

Unfortunately, Hunter was no as familiar with Libba's lexicon of expressions. "Of course we'll go." He fell for her please-it'll-be-fun-really-I-promise, hook, line, and sinker.

The ballet? Really?

"It sounds like fun," said Hunter.

No, it didn't.

Is going to the ballet fun?  I'll let you find out for yourself.  My review will be up on Thursday, so I hope you'll come back for it then.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Are there any books that you find creepy or unpleasant, even if they aren't horror novels?

The first thing that comes to mind are the Animorphs books.  These were a fantasy series aimed at middle graders about some kids who could morph into animals.  They'd been given the power to fight off an alien invasion.  And some of their encounters with the head alien were freaky.  I had to be careful what part of the book I read before I went to sleep or I'd have nightmares.  And I was reading these as a 20-year-old when they were aimed at people half my age.

(I read about half the series, then the final book came out, I saw how she ended it, and I lost interest since I didn't like the ending.)

That's it for me this week.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Book Review: A Merry Little Murder Plot by Jenn McKinlay (Library Lover’s Mysteries #15)

Stars: 4 out of 5
Pros: Great mystery, fun characters, Christmas cheer
Cons: The book banning subplot annoyed me
The Bottom Line:
Visiting author
Combined with Christmas murder
Another fun book

A Shocking Christmas Murder

While we’ve had a book set in December in the Library Lover’s Series, it wasn’t a full-on Christmas book. As a result, I was looking forward to spending the holidays in Briar Creek with A Merry Little Murder Plot

It’s hard to believe it, but this is the fifteenth Library Lover’s Mystery from Jenn McKinlay. In that time we’ve really gotten to know Lindsey Norris, the director of the public library, and many other residents. As a fan, it’s always fun to jump in and see what everyone is up to. There are some references to past books, it nothing super spoilery, so if you wanted to jump in here you could. You’ll miss some of the fun character development, however, and you’ll want to go back to the earlier books when you see how much fun you have here. 

The library is hosting their first writer in residence this winter, and they are thrilled to have bestselling author Helen Monroe kicking the program off. She’s just killed off her popular FBI agent character, and she’s promised to reveal what she’s working on next at the end of her residency. 

However, Lindsey’s radar goes off when a stranger comes into the library very interested in meeting Helen. Since Lindsey has had a past experience with a stalker, she’s immediately on guard. But when the two of them meet, sparks fly in a completely unexpected way. Then Lindsey finds a dead body electrocuted by the town’s light display, Lindsey can’t help but ask questions. Will she find the truth?

Let’s get my issue out of the way up front.  There’s a character in this book who wants to ban books, including Helen’s.  Honestly, I’m a little surprised it’s taken this long for the topic to come up in the series.  This becomes a subplot in the book, and every time it was on the page, it annoyed me because it fell into the typical stereotypes.  This character is evil, and the librarians are wonderful.  One of them even fell into the logical fallacy of appealing to authority at one point, talking about how she took classes to curate the collection for the community.  Now, hear me carefully.  I am against banning books.  And I completely disagree with the character in this book.  But if you can buy a book, it isn’t banned.  And, we need to be able to have a conversation about age appropriateness of books.  And yes, there are some books that don’t belong in a library.  It certainly didn’t help that I was reading this right before Banned Books Week started, which always gets on my nerves.  Yes, there is nuance that should be had in this conversation, and this book didn’t even try to offer it.

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, let’s move on.  Because that really is a small part of the book.

The plot took me by surprise several times, including how it was set up.  I hadn’t read any description of the book before I started reading, so I didn’t know who the victim was going to be or anything.  I honestly could have seen a few different people being the victim, which is always fun.  There were several more good twists before we reached the climax, when things made perfect sense.

I’ve already talked about how much I like the characters in this series, and that holds true again here.  It was a blast to spend time with them again.  They are their usual charming selves, too.  There’s a large cast, and some stayed more in the background, but that’s how things usually are.  We still at least got to see everyone.  The new characters were good and we got to know them as the book progressed.

And there’s the humor.  I laughed multiple times over the course of the story, usually at the dialogue.  That’s always fun.

I also enjoyed the Christmas setting.  We get plenty of holiday events to enjoy as the book goes along, and it was a fun added touch for this entry in the series.

As usual, the book includes some extras, this time with a Christmas theme.  We get a discussion guide for a Christmas book, a fun ornament craft project, and two recipes.

Overall, I enjoyed my time in Briar Creek for A Merry Little Murder Plot.  Fans of Jenn McKinlay will be glad they picked this up, and if you want a fun Christmas mystery, this is a book you’ll enjoy.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Library Lover’s Mysteries.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Movie Review: Deadpool 2

Stars: 2 out of 5
Pros: Some humor, action, growth for Deadpool
Cons: Way too many jokes that were in poor taste and too much gore
The Bottom Line:
Pretty much like first
Which means mostly did not like
So don’t recommend

“What Am I Going to Do?”  “Probably Something Terrible.”

No, I didn’t especially enjoy the first Deadpool movie.  But with all the hype surrounding Deadpool & Wolverine, and the fact that I could watch it free on Disney+, I decided to go ahead and give Deadpool 2 a shot.  Yes, I had the same reactions to this movie I did the first one.

When the story begins, we find Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) out stopping human traffickers.  No, he’s not doing it the usual way of making sure they get arrested.  He’s flat out killing them.  Of course, the problem with that approach (or going after evil people in general) is that sometimes, your work can follow you home.  It happens to happen to Deadpool on his anniversary, with tragic results.

However, a devastated Deadpool can’t die, despite his efforts.  And, through a series of events, he finds himself with a new goal, helping a boy with powers (Julian Dennison) who is dead set on revenge.  Considering an assassin from the future (Josh Brolin) is after the boy, will he be able to do it?

My biggest issue with the first movie is back here in full force – the double entendre.  They are in full force almost the entire movie.  Okay, I’ll admit, I did like a couple of them, but most of them went too far and were too excessive for my tastes.

Which is too bad because I really enjoyed some of the other humor.  The movie once again breaks the fourth wall constantly, and most of those jokes are great.  I loved the meta humor as well.  These jokes definitely made me want to keep watching because I was enjoying that.

On the other hand, there is the excessive violence.  Yes, it is cartoony, but it wasn’t remotely in good taste in my opinion.  The excessive gore was quite disgusting.

But here’s where the movie made a big change from the original.  I actually liked Deadpool more than I did originally.  He wasn’t quite the antihero he was there.  That meant, I could get on board more with rooting for him to succeed in his goal, especially when he starts trying to help the boy in the second half.

And the action scenes themselves were usually pretty good.  Yes, that’s where the worst of the gore came in, but when it wasn’t reveling in that, they were fun.  We did get some obvious special effects during these scenes, but for the most part, I bought what I was seeing.

I will give the actors full credit for making us care about the outcome of the story as they brought the story to life.

You’ll definitely want to watch through the additional scenes during the credits.

At the end of the day, I’m not sorry I watched Deadpool 2.  But I also don’t plan to watch again and I don’t recommend it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Book Review: Crime and Parchment by Daphne Silver (Rare Books Cozy Mysteries #1)

Stars: 5 out of 5
Pros: Strong characters in an interesting, believable mystery
Cons: A bit too much at the beginning set up unrealistic expectations for me
The Bottom Line:
Hunting book treasure
Stumbling on dead body
In this fun debut

Family and Lost Books

I heard a lot of great things about Crime and Parchment when it came out last year.  It went on to win the Agatha for Best First Novel.  Now that I’ve finally made the time to read Daphne Silver’s debut mystery, I can see why.

This is the first book in the Rare Books Cozy Mysteries and introduces us to Juniper Blume, a librarian for the Library of Congress.  She is surprised when she receives a message from her ex-brother-in-law saying that he has information about the covers of the Book of Kells and insisting that Juniper meet him in Rose Mallow, Maryland, the small town where Juniper and her sister spent their summers with their grandmother.  Juniper is skeptical – what would these covers missing from Ireland centuries ago be doing in Maryland?

Still, Juniper can’t resist showing up.  Even if it means a painful reunion with her sister.  The two have grown apart, and there is plenty of blame to go around.  But when Juniper goes to the meeting, she only finds a dead body.  And her ex-brother-in-law is now missing.  What is going on?

This is a lot going on at this book, especially at the beginning.  Since this is the first book in the series, we are meeting all the characters, series regulars and suspects alike, plus being introduced to the main plot and the subplots.  The book does a good job of juggling all of that, and I was never lost.  Maybe it did too good a job.  I felt that the pace slowed down a bit as the book went along, but I think that was because there was so much at the beginning, I began to expect that pace to continue.  When I went back to think about things, the pace was actually pretty consistently steady.  So I think this is more my perception than reality.

I was impressed that the author provided a plausible explanation of how these covers could have been in Maryland instead of Ireland, where they were last seen centuries ago.  This added a bit of a treasure hunt aspect to things, which I really enjoyed.

And the plot was good.  It kept me engaged and guessing as Juniper went along trying to solve it.  I couldn’t wait to see how it was going to be resolved, and everything made sense when she pieced things together.

Juniper and her family have some things to work through, and I appreciated that part of this book as well.  It could have easily crossed the line into soap opera, but it doesn’t, which was nice.  Were things a little too easy?  Possibly, but I still loved where it went.  I’m certainly interested in seeing where things go moving forward for these characters.

Crime and Parchment really is a strong debut.  It’s easy to see why it got all the praise it did.  I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to these characters when the next book comes out.