Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9th's Sunday/Monday Post

Time to check in for another Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday

I can not tell you have fabulous last Saturday was.  I missed the Sunday/Monday post because I was out of town for the Camp Pendleton Mud Run.  This was the first time they'd had one opened to the public in 5 years (since 2019).  It had become one of my favorite weekends of the year, and I was so happy to be back.  The course was shorter than it had been, but I didn't mind.  Okay, I minded.  I was the oddball who was wishing it had been longer when I hit the finish line.  There weren't a lot of people who signed up, which saddened me.  Hopefully, that won't discourage them from doing it again because I'm ready to do it again!  I was smiling almost the entire time I was on base.

After the run, I stopped on the way home to visit some family friends.  They used to live in Northern California where I grew up, but they've resettled in Orange County.  I hadn't seen them for a while, so it was nice to get to hang out with them.

This week?  It's quarter end close at work, so it was crazy busy.  And I plan to work on Sunday to get a jump on my deadlines for this coming week since I'm off a couple of days at the end of the week.

But I'm taking Saturday off for fun.  First up in the first book festival here in town.  Of course, I had to go check it out.  It was about what I was expecting - fairly small with only one author I was interested in.  Naturally, I bought one of her books, but more on that later.  Still, I was happy to see something like this in town and hope it truly is the 1st annual book festival.

And then comes game day on Saturday afternoon.  It hits at the perfect time for me every month, a chance to relax after the craziness and stress of close.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: Fondant Fumble by Jenn McKinlay
Tuesday - Movie Review: Dial 1 for Murder - A Tipline Mystery
Wednesday - Book Review: A Collection of Lies by Connie Berry
Thursday - Ornament Review: Sir S'More
Friday - Book Review: Dance Hall of the Dead by Tony Hillerman
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

It's been two weeks.  Of course, I have plenty of books to tell you about.

First, I finally got the two ARCs I was waiting on from Berkley.  I got them one week before one of them comes out, so I'll be posting that review this coming week.  That book?  Fondant Fumble, the sixteenth Cupcake Mystery from Jenn McKinlay.  The other book I got is Requiem for a Mouse by Miranda James.  This is book sixteen in the Cat in the Stacks series.  I'll be starting it this coming week.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the characters are up to.  And I hadn't realized that this is book 16 for both series.  How fun is that coincidence?

Then there's In$sured to the Hilt by Charlotte Stuart.  I don't know much about it, but it sounded like it could be good.  And the Kindle version was on sale for 99 cents, so I snagged it.  It still is on sale as of my typing this, so if it interests you, snag it quick.

Death in St. George's by M. A. Monnin came out recently.  This is book three in her Intrepid Traveler Mysteries.  I enjoyed the first two, so I'm anxious to dive in.  Maybe July?  We'll see.

I got my first September ARC this week - Mrs. Clause and the Nightmare Before New Year's.  I love this series from Liz Ireland, so I'm looking forward to checking in on everyone at the North Pole.

I got another ARC as well, this time an eARC of Three Strikes - You're Dead.  This is a sports story themed short story collection.  I'm looking forward to reading these, especially since one of them involves Ultimate Frisbee, a sport I used to play all the time.

I woke up Saturday morning to see that the ebook version of Richard Osman's The Bullet That Missed was on sale.  I have the other three in hardcover, but I missed this one.  Yes, it's breaking up a set, but I snagged it.  This is book three in the series, so now I need to read book two.

Finally, there's the book I bought at the book festival, Framed for Murder by Marla A. White.  Yes, I pretty much bought it based on the cover and the fact that she was at the festival, so I wanted to support that.  I mean, it is a cozy mystery, so that also grabbed my attention.  We'll see what I think of it when I get to it.

What I'm Currently Reading:

As I'm typing this up on Friday night, I'm currently between books.  I just wrapped up Warped on a Moon Trek by Diane Vallere.  It's the fifth in a series set in space.  This one wasn't as much of a mystery as the others in the series have been, but it was still lots of fun.  Mind bending, but fun.

I'm not sure how far I will get into it given my busy weekend, but up next will be Murder at an English Seance by Jessica Ellicott.  This is book eight in a series about two friends who start a private enquiry agency in England after World War I.  These are usually quite fun, so I'm looking forward to it.

That's it for me.  Have a great week!


  1. I love it when I see a book I want to read on sale on Kindle. I eagerly want to try the Osman series. I think I have the first book.

    The mud run acquired taste, maybe? I'm always on the lookout for new experiences, and maybe it's something I should try!

  2. The mud run sounds so fun. And meeting up with long time friends is always rejuvenating. Have a great week!

  3. Sounds like a couple of weekends filled with fun. Awesome! I have Mrs. Claus and the Santaland Slayings high on my list for Christmas in July. I'm looking forward to getting started with the series. Have a great week! :)

  4. Glad you had a good week.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  5. Sound like a weekend with loads of fun.
    Have a great week.

  6. Sounds like you had a blast. So happy for you. Great books! I've been meaning to check out Osman's series. Hope you enjoy your week.

  7. Sounds like you've had an eventful few weeks and how nice you got to visit family while doing fun things. I love Jenn McKinlay but that is one series by her I haven't started. I don't know why though. I also keep meaning to read the Ireland series. Maybe this year. I wish our town would have a book event - even a small one. Hope it grows each year. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Sounds like you had fun on your mud run. Of course, it had to be balanced with having more to do at work. That's how life works. All of your new books sound good. You remind me that I have the first of the Diane Vallers series waiting for me to find time to read it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  9. The mud run sounds fun! Hopefully more people will register next year since it was well done this time. I finished Fondant Fumble this weekend and enjoyed it and am looking forward to starting Requiem for a Mouse. I've always enjoyed that series. I hope you're having a great week!


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