Pros: Strong mystery; great characters
Cons: Some might find the beginning a little slow (but it is
worth it)
The Bottom Line:
A play disaster
Plus murder after party
Equals page turner
This Book, By Any Other Name, Would be as Addicting
Given the number of books I read, sometimes I forget just
how much I love a series or set of characters until I encounter them
again. That was definitely the case with
Sully and the gang in the Theater Cop Mysteries. I remembered enjoying the first book, but I’d
forgotten just how much until I picked up their second adventure, With a Kiss I Die.
February is a slower season for Edwina “Sully” Sullivan in
her job working as the administrator for the Cliffside Theater since they are a
summer theater company. Sully is using
the time to work on grant applications so the company can build their own theater. The biggest and best chance is with the Century
Foundation, and Sully feels that application is just about ready.
Meanwhile, Dimitri, the theater’s resident director, has
gone down to Boston to direct a production of Romeo and Juliet. It’s a last-minute
job since the previous director’s vision wasn’t going well. Unfortunately, Dimitri is stuck with some of
the previous director’s choices. When
Sully gets a chance to go down to Boston to try to help, she jumps at the
chance since it would also allow her to do a little schmoozing with the heads
of the Century Foundation.
However, when she arrives in Boston, she finds that rumors
of the play’s issues weren’t exaggerated.
Even worse, a celebratory dinner ends in a murder. While Sully may not be a cop any more, she
still finds herself drawn into the events, especially when people start
disappearing. Can she figure out what
Early in the book, we get plenty of goings on related to the
play and what a disaster it could turn out to be. Layers to the bigger mystery are being
introduced as well, so when the murder does happen, we are off and
running. Still, those looking for the
murder to happen early might be a bit disappointed. Personally, I was enjoying the book before
the murder took place, and I was hooked even more when that happened. I raced through this book in two days instead
of my normal three because I had to know what was going on. In fact, I spent time I should have spent on
other things reading that second day to finish.
Yes, I found the solution completely satisfying when I reached the end.
It didn’t take me long to get back into the characters in
this series and remember just how much I loved them. Even though the book mostly takes place in
Boston, we still get to see quite a few of the characters we met in the first
book, and it is obvious how much they all care for each other. These are real people with real
relationships. They also have multiple
ties to the events of this book and the suspects, which help make us care about
the outcome and help make those characters feel real as well.
Since Sully was a cop in Boston several years ago, she is a
different main character for a traditional mystery series. She knows proper procedure, and she cares
about making the case. However, this
still reads as a traditional mystery and not a police procedural. In fact, author J. A. Hennrikus finds ways
for Sully to investigate and get clues without stepping on police toes, which I
really appreciated. Her relationships
with the cops in town also cause some added friction.
Notice I said traditional instead of cozy in that last
paragraph? The author herself describes
this as a traditional series. There is a
smattering of mild foul language here, beyond that, there is nothing here that
would keep this from being a cozy in my opinion. The fact that Sully is a former cop and works
more closely with the cops doesn’t really change the tone of the series.
How that I’m done with Sully’s second adventure, I’m left
wanting more. Pick up With a Kiss I Die today. Then you can be like me hoping that the
author will continue the series soon.
NOTE: I received a copy of the book
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