Saturday, March 22, 2025

March 22nd's Weekly TV Thoughts

Obviously, I'm not as up to date on my TV watching as I would normally be.  And neither of my Monday shows were on this week.  Anyway, I'll have some serious catching up to do for next week's edition.

Tracker – That’s the kind of episode I like.  Interesting twists.  Real danger without getting outrageous or dark.  I hope this is a sign of things to come.  Okay, so I’m not sure how believable it really was, but it was fun, and that’s mainly what I’m looking for.

 Suits LA – Enjoying the cameos by real celebrities on the show, and this week’s made me laugh pretty hard.  Especially the reference to Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest since I quote that line all the time.  Seeing Harvey was cool, but his scenes weren’t that great.  The flashback isn’t adding much.  They really are having the same probably they had with Pearson, which is trying to do too much too quickly and not really introducing us to any characters.  Makes it hard to truly care.

 Deal or No Deal Island – I’m a little surprised at the results of the game.  But it proves that the deal or no deal is all about luck.  There really is no skill involved.  And I’m not at all surprised with where they left us for the cliffhanger.  Honestly, I’m not sure how they will draw the final out for a full hour, so it had to end there.

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