Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day Sunday/Monday Post

 Hi everyone.  Happy weekend.  Time for a Sunday/Monday Post.  I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers reading this, including my own Mom.

It's was a fairly quiet week at work.  Not too many meetings, and I was working on account recs.  I'm in a good place with them, so hopefully, I can finish up the little bit I have to do early in the week and start on reports.

Saturday, I went to the lake.  But I didn't go paddling.  Rugged Maniac, a mud run, was at the lake, and I did that instead.  Unfortunately, I reinjured my shoulder about a mile into the 3.1 mile course.  I don't know what I did two weeks ago, but I'd been babying it for the last couple of weeks so it wouldn't be an issue.  But as I was trying to navigate one of the obstacles, I tweaked it again.  I still finished, and it should be fine in a couple of weeks, but it's frustrating.

Let's see, other than that, it's game day with my friends.  I missed last month since I went home for Easter, so I'm looking forward to going.  In fact, let's get this finished up so I can leave.

This Last Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Disney Pin Review: Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar
Monday - Ornament Review: A Very Merry Grinchmas!
Tuesday - Book Review: A Novel Disguise by Samantha Larsen
Wednesday - Movie Review: The Jane Mysteries - Inheritance Lost
Thursday - Book Review: Her Dying Day by Mindy Carlson
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

It was a five book week, darn it.  I think tracking this like I do has made me realize just how many books I am behind in what I'd like to be reading.  I need to figure out a way to catch up.

First up were my last two June ARCs.  Hot Pot Murder is the second LA Night Market Mystery from Jennifer Chow.  I enjoyed the first, and I'm looking forward to this one.  That comes out at the beginning of June.  At the end of June, we get the fifteenth Cat in the Stacks Mystery from Miranda James.  It's been a couple of years since the previous books came out, so I'm really looking forward to revisiting the characters in Hiss Me Deadly.

I've been thinking about starting Lee Hollis's books for the last few months, so when I saw that Death of a Kitchen Diva, the first in the Hayley Powell series, was on sale on Kindle for $3.99, I jumped on it.  Then I saw that the first Desert Flowers Mystery was also on sale, and for only $0.99.  How could I turn down Poppy Harmon Investigates.

Finally, I got another audio book from the library.  I wasn't necessarily looking for one, but I'd been trying to get Racing the Light, the new Elvis Cole and Joe Pike Mystery from Robert Crais for a while since this is one of my audio series.  I only seem to be able to find it on CD and not downloadable audio from the libraries around here.  I put in a request for it, and it came in right AFTER Christmas.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to listen to it then.  But then it dropped off my library's website completely.  I asked about it a month ago, and they were going to investigate.  I guess they figured out what was going on since I got a notification this week that it was available for me to pick up.  As I said, it is CD.  Working from home, I'm not driving that much, and a CD makes it much harder to just randomly listen to a little bit around the condo.  Not quite sure how I'm going to get it all listened to in the next three weeks.

What I'm Currently Reading:

But I started Racing the Light today.  Only about an hour into it, and it is only an eight hour book, so at least I made some progress.

I've also just started a book that I'm reading - Murder at the Marina by Janet Finsilver.  This is the fifth Kelly Jackson mystery set up in Northern California.  I'm only about 10% into the book, and I'm already hooked.

That's about it for me.  Have a wonderful week!


  1. Rugged Maniac sounds like lots of fun, but I am so sorry to hear you injured yourself. I hope it feels better soon! And yay for game night, I need to schedule one of those soon.

  2. I overdid it with ARCs and blog tours for the last part of March, all of April, and a few at the beginning of this month. It reminds me I don't enjoy having that many at one time. It doesn't leave a lot of time for mood reading. Have a great weekend!

  3. I have Poppy Harmon Investigates from the library last week. I've heard such good things about the series. I've never read a cozy by Lee Hollis, so this will be a first.

  4. That mud run sounds fun but sorry to hear about the shoulder injury! Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Hot Pot sounds like a good one. I like the sound of that series. Why do cozies go so well with food lol?

  5. I don't think it's humanly possible, not even after one is retired (speaking from experience) to read as many books in a week as we'd like to read.

    I'm imagining the mud run---the opportunities for getting hurt amid all that slippery mud seem great. I'm sorry that you were reinjured.

  6. I've always wondered about Mud Runs. Sorry you hurt yourself. Maybe back to paddling, huh?

  7. I love a good game day! And I enjoy Crais and his series though I've read them all out of order. Enjoy.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. Rugged Maniac! I love the names they come up with for these things. Sorry about your shoulder but glad you were able to finish!

  9. I finished two books last week and called it a great week for me. LOL. Sounds like you're having a busy-in-a-good-way weekend, minus the shoulder injury. I had a shoulder injury a couple years ago. It took several months for it to heal and a lot of patience, though I don't have problems with it anymore. I hope yours gets better soon. I recorded the new Hallmark mystery and will watch it this week. I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy the day and have a great week! :)

  10. I'm sorry you got hurt! Shoulder injuries are no fun. I've been through two frozen shoulders, and each of them took over a year to fully heal. If it doesn't feel better in a few weeks, check with a doctor; you may find PT helpful. But I hope it heals up quickly.

  11. I got Hiss Me Deadly too and am really looking forward to reading it! I'm so sorry about your shoulder. Those injuries are so frustrating! Have a great week!

  12. How neat that your Mom reads your blog! Yes, those reoccurring injuries can be frustrating! Looks like your have some good books there! Happy reading!

  13. Congrats on finishing the Rugged Maniac. I hope your shoulders heals well, I can sympathise because my own shoulder has been problematic for a few weeks and I have no idea why.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  14. Sorry to hear about the shoulder, but I hope game day was fun!

  15. I have Hiss Me Deadly to read too. I love this series. I'm sorry about your shoulder. I hope it's feeling better. Have a great week!

  16. I hope your shoulder is feeling better. I know what you mean about buying more books than you have time to read. But who can resist a sale? Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  17. Sounds like a wealth of books raining down on you! Hope you find time between work and work outs. Perhaps time to give that shoulder a rest and read!

  18. Oh, no! I hope your shoulder heals quickly! Have a lovely week, Mark!

  19. Sounds like you had a great blogging week. Sorry to hear you reinjured your shoulder. Praying it heals soon. Your books all sound enjoyable. Cozy mysteries are some of my favorite books. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  20. Sore shoulders can be so difficult to heal. I hope it does quickly! Enjoy your reading this week.
    Mary @Bookfan

  21. Rugged Maniac sounds fun and I am glad that you were able to finish the event. I hope it heals well for you.
    Oh so many TBR books - it is hard to keep up. :-)
    I am so tempted by your Cozies. Happy Reading!

  22. The mud run sounds fun, but I am sorry to hear you reinjured your shoulder. I hope you are feeling better!

    I've been wanting to try Lee Hollis too. I think I have a copy of Poppy Harmon Investigates on my TBR. I need to get back into my cozy reading. It has been awhile and I am definitely in the right mood for them!

    I hope you had a great week, Mark, and enjoy the weekend!


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