Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 13th's Sunday/Monday Post

Time again for a Sunday/Monday Post.  I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Last weekend, I went down to Long Beach for a few hours.  I'd heard about Pixar Putt, a pop up Pixar themed miniature golf course.  Being the DisNerd (and Pixar fan) that I am, I decided to check it out.  And a good friend of mine who has done Disneyland with me many many times lives down there, so we met up and did it.  It was fun, but for the price, it was a little underwhelming.  Still, we had fun, and I'm glad we did it.  Plus, it was great to see her!

I'm adjusting to going into the office three days a week.  I wouldn't say I like it, but I'm not having the same feeling of dread I did that first week.  I'm also still trying to adjust to the distractions going on around me.  There are times I just need to be left alone to concentrate on what I'm doing, you know?  Otherwise, I forget where I am.  And I'm still trying to adjust to what is realistic for me to do in the evenings after work.  Even my short commute takes time out of my day.

And I finally used Canva for something.  I've long wanted to create a logo for my Saturday Weekly TV Thoughts post, and it finally dawned on me I could use that app to do that.  I debuted it yesterday.  It's pretty simple (there's a reason I'm not in graphic design), but I am happy with it for now.  I might try tweaking it a bit in the future.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: Forbidden Fruit
Tuesday - Book Review: Comedy Can Be Deadly by Ryan Rivers
Wednesday - Ornament Review: Christmas Is.... #1
Thursday - Book Review: Til Death by Annette Dashofy
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Ebook Haul:

It's been two weeks, but I'm almost ashamed at how many books I have to talk about.  And I am going to be breaking this into two groups.  Mind you, all the books I'll be talking about will be digital books, but we'll start with the regular ebook haul.

I started out by snagging an ARC of Comedy Can Be Deadly by Ryan Rivers.  This is the newest in his Bucket List Mysteries.  I love the series, and I couldn't wait to dive in.  In fact, my review will be up on Tuesday, and I used it for teasers for my most recent Friday Post.  It was a lot of fun.

I got an alert that A Case for the Winemaker, the first in Candace Havens' Ainsley McGregor series was on sale.  Since this was the inspiration for Great American Family's first mystery movie franchise, I was interested in it, so I got it.  Then I realized that A Case for the Toy Maker, book three, was free and A Case for the Candle Maker, book four, was also on sale, so I went ahead and got them, too.  All three are still on sale as of my typing this.

Also still on sale is Murderous CONsequences by Nicole Lieren.  We've got a former con artist trying to retire but being pulled into a murder mystery.  It has sounded like fun, and I've been eyeing it, so when it went on sale, I snagged it.

I won a copy of the first in J.C. Kenney's new series - Panic in the Panhandle.  It sounds wacky.  Our main character is a wild life removal specialist.  And yes, it is set in Florida.  I've been eyeing it, so I was happy to win it.

Finally, for this section, I got You Feta Watch Out, a Christmas themed entry in the Grilled Cheese Mysteries from Linda Reilly.  This is another ARC for a book that comes out in just about a month.  November is getting pretty full of ARCs.  I'd better get to reading.  Anyway, I enjoy this series so I'm looking forward to the next in the series.

Audiobook Haul:

Yes, I've got enough audiobooks recently to have their own section.  You see, I'm gearing up for a road trip.  At this point, I think I have more audiobooks than I can listen to on the trip, but we'll see.  Always better to have too many than too few, right?

Actually, this first one is a happy coincidence.  Author Steve Hockensmith was giving away some of the Audible audiobook copies for the first in his new Double-A Western Detective Agency series - Hired Guns.  This is a spin off from his Holmes on the Range series, which I've been reading since it came out.  I had these books (book 2 is out already as well) on my list, but hadn't gotten around to getting them yet, so I snagged it.  Hopefully, it will be good listening, but I'm sure the story is great.

These other three I got from my library.  I love that I can get the digital audiobooks via an app.  So convenient and so easy to listen to in the car - no switching the discs around.

The first of these is Two Kinds of Truth by Michael Connelly.  This is the next of his books for me to listen to.  I usually enjoy them, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the characters here.

I will definitely be listening to People of Darkness by Tony Hillerman on my trip.  His books are set in the Navajo reservation, and I'll be driving through it on my road trip.  It's just too perfect, and I can't resist.

Finally, I have a non-fiction audio book.  I know, shocking.  As a Full House fan, I was curious about John Stamos' memoir, If You Would Have Told Me.  And since he reads it, I wanted to go with the audio version.  I have a feeling this might be the one I don't get to.  Especially if the other audiobook I have on hold comes in.  But we'll see.  It might be nice to break things up a bit.

What I'm Currently Reading:

Saturday is game day.  I had hoped to get some reading time in before I leave, but that doesn't look promising.  That means it will probably be Sunday before I finish Death Checked Out by Leah Dobrinska.  It's the first in a series set in a small town in Wisconsin.  I've been enjoying it, although I think I've had the killer pegged early on.  We'll see if I'm right.  I've got about 60 pages left.

Next up will be The General's Gold, a treasure hunting thriller from LynDee Walker and Bruce Robert Coffin.  I've heard good things about the book, and it sounds like fun.  So hopefully, I will enjoy this first in a series.

That's it for me.  Hope you have a great week.


  1. Listening to a Tony Hillerman book while driving throgh the reservation sounds fabulous. I’ve read all his books (as well as the seqels by his daughter since he died) and I love them. I’ve been to parts of NM and Ariz but I don’t think I’ve seen the exact locations.
    best, mae at

  2. I'm lucky that I still have no mandate to be in the office. Sometimes I go in but sometimes there are weeks when I never show up. I don't think I get as much done because people are always chatting.

    I gave up on entering book giveaways. I should probably give it a try again soon.

    The last book I read where I thought I had the suspect identified early on, I was so wrong. Hope your book turns out that way. It's always a nice surprise when you get a twist ending.

  3. I have never had the chance to work from home but I wanted a hybrid job just for the distractions to be less but working in a print shop it's hard to do that but you can do graphic design anywhere.

    If you need help with your logo, let me know, i would be happy to help any way I can. While I am not a fan of canva, I have been doing design for 28 years. :)

    Pixar themed mini golf sounds fun but I am sure the price was not ideal but I am glad you had fun.

    I hope you have a great week, Mark! Happy Reading!

  4. I’m glad you are adjusting to being back in the office. Looks like a great haul! I love Tony Hillerman and Michael Connelly.

  5. Your audiobook haul looks like a good assortment!

    I really like Canva and am also not a super duper graphic designer, but I like that they have templates that I can alter. I like your TV logo.

  6. I just Googled the Pixar Putt. That looks so cute!!!

  7. Looks like some fun new books -- hope you enjoy!

  8. Sounds like a good time at the Pixar Putt, even with it being a little underwhelming. I hope you continue to adjust to the time in the office, but it's harder as we get older, we get more stuck in our ways, and preferences. Enjoy the new books. I think the John Stamos one would be interesting as well.

  9. Kudos to you for making a Saturday logo! The best part for me of having teenagers is asking them to do that stuff for me. LOL

  10. The golf sounds like excellent fun. Anything with that sort of theme has a scary price, although to be honest even non themed things do these days!

    I hope that work gets better.

    Enjoy your audio books on your trip.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  11. I'm glad you are adjusting to having to go into the office three days a week. It has to be disappointing. I remember when I worked in Houston for a couple of years. Ugh.

    A pop up Pixar themed miniature golf course sounds delightful!

  12. Going back to the office is an adjustment. I love the peace and quiet of home when I can get it. What a great group of books! Love the e-book haul. The Wyoming mystery you're ready sounds good. Hope you enjoy your week.

  13. I am happy you're adjusting a little better with work. You have a great book haul here, Mark. I hope you enjoy your week 😊

  14. Sounds like a good week. I'm glad you are adjusting to being back in the office. Your books all sound good too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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