Thursday, January 23, 2025

Book Review: Stuff to Spy For by Don Bruns (Stuff Series #3)

Stars: 3 out of 5
Pros: James, Skip, and Emily most of the time
Cons: A few things with the plot and the character’s antics
The Bottom Line:
Skip gets a big break
But complications ensue
Average again

Spying, Even Accidentally, Can Be Deadly

I accidentally let two years go between reading books in the Stuff Series from Don Bruns. It’s easy to do when there are so many good books calling your name. But I fixed that by slipping Stuff to Spy For, the third, into my January reading. 

This series involves two twenty-something friends in Miami. James Lessor and Skip Moore are trying to find a way to better their life beyond the dead-end jobs and horrid apartment they have, but they seem to find nothing but trouble, and murder, instead. 

When Skip lands a huge sale for a company looking to upgrade their security system, he thinks he’s finally made the big time. He even gets James a job on the installation team. Then Skip is offered a couple of extra assignments with big paydays. What could possibly go wrong? A suspicious death for starters. Then there are things that aren’t adding up, and evidence that someone is spying on them. Can the pair figure out what is going on?

James and Skip and their friendship is a double edged sword. You remember the friend who could talk you into anything? That’s James. Sometimes, I find their antics funny. Other times, I cringe knowing the trouble that they are going to get into. But there is something about their friendship that I enjoy, and I keep finding myself drawn back to these books. Emily, Skip’s girlfriend, definitely helps. I appreciate the level headedness she contributes to the problems the trio get into. 

Yes, the books are designed to make us laugh, and I did at various times along the way. Other times, I cringed. As with other things, this was a mixed bag. 

Then there’s the plot. There’s a lot going on here – almost too much. The set up takes a bit of time, but the pace doesn’t lag even then. However, there’s so much going on that the ending is rushed. And a major piece of the third act happens rather conveniently. Honestly, there was no reason for the characters to be where they were when that happened. 

And, the beginning of the book teased something from the climax. As you know, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves. 

Given the age of the characters, I’m sure it’s no surprise to say that this is cozy adjacent. Keep that in mind as well. 

The book originally came out in 2009, so the technology in the story is charmingly dated. Just remember this, and you’ll be fine. 

It looks like the next book in the series really changes things up for James and Skip. I am invested enough to want to finish, but I am still finding their antics middle of the road. Stuff to Spy For was no exception. 

Need Moore Stuff in your life?  Check out the rest of the Stuff Series.

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