Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday!  Time for this week's Friday post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

This week, my teasers for the first three are coming from Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge.

This is the first in a series that features Phyllida Bright, the (fictional) housekeeper for Agatha Christie, solving crimes in 1930's England.

The book jumps right into the mystery:

Phyllida Bright had seen her share of boding during the Great War, so when she discovered the dead man sprawled on the floor, it didn't even occur to her to scream.

See what I mean?

Meanwhile, on page 56 of my hardcover copy, we find Phyllida wrestling with a common issue that all book lovers have.

If there was talk about doing a motion picture with M. Poirot, Phyllida fervently hoped that would not happen. She feared absolutely no one would be able to portray the elegant Belgian in the way she saw him in her mind. She'd have to avoid seeing the film if it was ever made.

Nothing has changed in the last 90 years, right?  Okay, I'll admit, I have seen plenty of adaptations, many of which I have enjoyed.  But there are a few books or series I wouldn't want to see because they are too special to me.  (Hmm, maybe that would be a good future Book Blogger Hop question.  Off to submit it.)

Anyway, I enjoyed this book.  Look for my review coming up on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, let's close things off with this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Have you participated in Sheila's FIRST BOOK OF THE YEAR?

I don't think I'd heard of it before, so no.  And, honestly, that's always a little tough for me.  I wouldn't know until the last couple of days what the book I'm actually reading on January 1st would turn out to be.  Not to mention, I count books in the year I review them (I know, I know), so the first book I'm counting for the year would be different from the one I was actually reading.  Make sense?  (As far as reading challenges, etc. go, I figure it averages out across years.  It's about three books each year that I wind up counting in the next.)  And I'm usually in the middle of a book anyway, when the year turns.

That's it for me.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I like the sound of that book. I have so many Agatha Christie books on my shelves to read.

    I haven't heard of First Book either. I never know what I am going to read. It depends if I have a Blog Tour coming up!

    Have a great weekend

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. I haven't heard of this book before. Sounds good. I have to add this one to my TBR.

  3. I am eager to read Murder at Mallowan Hall. I love the premise (and that cover!). I am glad you liked the book, Mark.

    I've enjoyed taking part in The First Book of the Year event in the past, but I didn't do it this year. I always end up waiting until the very last minute to decide which book will be my first book when I do take part. And then the first book I finish doesn't always end up being the first book I started, and then I wonder which book is really my first book of the year? That's the overthinker in me. LOL Have a great weekend!

  4. This book is on my TBR. Your snippets make me want to get to it right away.

    I'm not familiar with First Book. I guess I missed it this year. Maybe I'll try next year.

  5. What a clever idea for a character. Just when one thinks that all ideas have already been thought up, too!


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