Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Reading Challenge: Calendar of Crime 2025

I'm looking forward to another year participating in the Calendar of Crime challenge.  This is a different challenge as you only need to read 12 books, but they have to fit certain categories to represent the twelve months of the year.  Things like release month, setting month, author birthday, etc.  You can find the categories here (or if that doesn't work, there is a link at the first link I shared.

I'll be very curious to see what I wind up with as entries this year.  I'll fill them in, with the category, as I read them.  And unlike 2024, I'm only planning to fill in the calendar once.  But we'll see if that sticks or not.

January - Gilt Trip by Diane Vallere (Book set during a January snow storm)
February - Chocolate Can Be Deadly by Kim Davis (Valentine's, hearts on cover)
March - 
April - April Fool Dead by Carolyn Hart (Month in the title, April holiday referenced)
May - Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge ("M" in title)
June - 
July - Rivers and Creaks by Marc Jedel (Book set in July, ends on the 4th)
August - Something's Guava Give by Carrie Doyle (Beach on cover)
September - The Sinister Sitcom Caper by Sally Carpenter (Book title stars with S)
October - 
November - Welcome Home to Murder by Rosalie Spielman (Book set in November)
December - 

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