Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Reading Challenge: Mount TBR and Virtual Mount TBR 2025

I'll be back for both the Mount TBR and the Virtual Mount TBR challenges in 2025.

The Mount TBR Challenge requires us to read books we already owned as of December 31st, 2024.  I will once again be signing up for Pike's Peak, which is 12 books.  I usually pass that, but I don't want to jinx myself.

Meanwhile, the Virtual Mount TBR Challenge is about reading books that you borrowed, either from the library or someone else.  It is a little more lax as it doesn't have to be something that was on your radar before the first of the year.  As usual, I will sign up for Mount Crumpet, which is 24 books.

I'll be listing the books below as I finish them.

Mount TBR
1. Gilt Trip by Diane Vallere

Virtual Mount TBR

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the books on my TBR shelves will never go away. I hate to admit that there are some that have been there for years and I just can't get myself to read them. I think I get distracted by the newer shiny "objects."


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