Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8th's Weekly TV Thoughts

This was an interesting week for TV watching.  My internet and TV router died Wednesday and I didn't get my new one until last night.  As a result, I had to catch up via On Demand, the internet, and a rerun, but I've caught everything.

USA Network also announced that this is the final season of psych.  It was pretty obvious to everyone it was coming for a while now, so I'm only surprised it took them this long to announce it.  I'll miss the show for sure, but I could tell the show was beginning to slide in quality, so I'd rather seem them go out while still near the top of their game.  I'll definitely enjoy these last few episodes, of course.

But on to program specific comments.

Arrow - Not that happy with Sara's story arc at the moment.  Just how many people is she going to kiss?  I absolutely get Laurel's reaction, although I think there is some mixed emotion below the surface.  I'll be interested to see where they take Laurel next.  And Oliver's reaction to his mother's secret was definitely over the top.

Melissa & Joey - All I can think is why haven't I gotten to try flaming cheese yet?  And is it a real thing.  And I wonder why Ryder really wasn't in the episode.

Psych - I always love it when shows twist the conventions of the series, and with Gus driving the plot this time around, it was a natural to do.  And it delivered.  Decent mystery, too.

The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon and Amy kissed!  And he seemed to like it.  That's probably the big relationship moment between the two of them this year, but it was such an unexpected and fun moment.  I really liked it.

The Crazy Ones - That was quite a funeral at the end.  And it was fun to see Woody from psych pop up somewhere else, although his character here was almost as out there as the one of psych.

Enlisted - Definitely a funny episode, and that video at the end was great.  The way the three brothers interact was just so perfect this week.  Still charming and funny.

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