Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2nd's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday (reminder, it's back!)
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

We had warm weather most of the week here in So Cal.  And yes, I'm bragging.  However, it is cooling off Saturday and supposed to be even cooler on Sunday.  We're supposed to be getting a little bit of rain as well.  I think most of it will be overnight, but we will see how much we get and when.  Plus some rain on Wednesday.  I hope we get rain both of those days.  We could use some.

Friday, I got my TV fixed!  The part was in, so the repairman came back.  It's nice not to be sitting on my bedroom floor to watch TV again.  And to have access to my main DVR as well.  I was able to watch stuff that I recorded, but I couldn't set any new recordings without turning on my living room TV.  Fortunately, I only had to do that a couple of times in the last two weeks.

Saturday, I spent time at the Huntington Library in Pasadena.  Okay, so it was really in the gardens.  I had some friends in from out of state, and I met up with them.  It was nice to hang out and get to see them.  It's been a couple of years since the last time they were in the area.

Pun of the Week:

I started a band called 999 Megabytes.  We haven’t gotten a gig yet.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: A Deadly Prescription - A Jane Mystery
Tuesday - Book Review: Silent as the Grave by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles
Wednesday - Movie Review: Man of La Mancha
Thursday - Book Review: Running on Empty by Karin Fitz Sanford
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

At the beginning of the week, I knew I had a pre-order coming, but I wasn't sure if I'd have anything else to talk about.  Ironically, I didn't get the pre-order yet (looking like it will arrive Monday), but I have five books to talk about.  The ebook deals were on point for me.  And all are still on sale as of my typing this.

Let's start with the one that was free.  And I just spotted this on Saturday.  Basil Rathbone and the Sundays of the Dead is a mystery set in the Hollywood of the 1940's from author J. H. Cotton.  I have a feeling I will either love it or hate it.  But free?  How can I pass that up?

Jumping way up in price, I snagged The Man Who Died Laughing by David Handler for 99 cents.  Don't know much about the book or the author, but it sounded like something I might enjoy, so I took a chance on it.  Hard not to for that price, right?

I'm back to old Hollywood for Hounds of the Hollywood Baskerville by Elizabeth Crowens.  I've been eyeing this book for a while, so when it went on sale for $2.99, I jumped at this.  It involves some young PIs and the search for a dog movie star.  At least, that's what kicks things off.

I've enjoyed the Dana Mentink books I've read, so when I saw one of her romantic suspense books was on sale, I snagged it.  Endless Night is set up in Alaska.  Looks like one of her early books, so it will be interesting to see what I think of it.

Finally, I snagged an ARC of Murder Italian Style, the next Samantha Kidd Mystery from Diane Vallere.  If you pay attention to my blog, you've seen her name pop up a lot because I enjoy your books and I've been trying to catch up.  Well, believe it or not, I will be caught up by the time this book comes out in June.  (For the record, I'm in the can't believe I'll be caught up camp.)

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm working on an ARC of Snowy with a Chance of Murder, the newest Murder, She Wrote novel.  This is the first time that author Barbara Early is writing a book for the series.  I've enjoyed her books in the past.  I'm only about a third of the way in, but I'm enjoying it so far.  I needed to get more read on
Saturday, but that just didn't happen.  Frankly, I'm behind on all my blog work at the moment.

And, on that note, I'm going to sign off.  Have a great week!


  1. As the weather gets more and more beautiful here, I'm having a harder and harder time staying indoors. lol

    Enjoy your books. I wonder especially about the free one,

  2. Ugh, those two days of temps in the mid 80s were brutal. I had to turn on my box fan to sleep at night! I'm glad the weather got cool again. But I know you're an outdoorsy guy and prefer the warmer temps. :-)

    Have I been to Huntington Library??? I don't think so. I was in the gardens for an evening into night music event of some sort but I haven't gotten to stroll around and look at anything. Let me make sure that's on my list, now that I have a car and can make the drive.

    I'm glad you got your TV fixed. Sounds like it was an ordeal to watch anything for a minute there and nobody needs that!

  3. I'm about to start that Murder She Wrote and am so looking forward to it! I love that series. It looks like you've got a great mix of books and I don't think I've read any of them! Yay for getting your TV fixed. I have very little patience for when things don't work. I hope you have a great week.

  4. Yay for catching up on a favourite series! Nay for having to wait for the next books now!

    Have a great week!

  5. Glad your tv situation is better. Since I retired I watch too much tv. My son bought me a treadmill and put it in my bedroom so I walk and keep up my shows at the same time. I hope you have a good/fun week!

  6. We should be in the low 40s here in the middle today. Yay. I used to watch Murder She Wrote but I've never read the books. Might need to change that. Glad the tv is fixed. Have a good week.
    Mary @Bookfan

  7. You got some good deals on books this week. Glad your tv was repaired!

  8. Your weather sounds wonderful. We had warm weather too (for Minnesota), but it cooled off over the weekend. All your new books look good. I love a good ebook sale. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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