Friday, March 7, 2025

March 7th's Friday Post

Well, it's been a few weeks since I did a Friday Post.  Let's fix that today, shall we?  I'll be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I'm sharing quotes from Shattered Sight by Liz Milliron.

This is the first in a new series featuring a cop in Niagara Falls, New York.  I will admit, the first line isn't exactly grabbing.

I stood in front of my open closet and shuffled through my tie selection. “Amy, have you seen my red tie?” I called to my wife.

As an accountant, I completely sympathize with what we find at 56% into the book:

After a moment, he spoke. “Are you going to send those to the accountants?”
I flipped a page. “Eventually. I want to look at them first. See if anything pops.”
Of course, it didn’t. The columns of numbers stayed columns of numbers. Money in, money out. I checked my watch—quarter to five.
There are days tracking down what you need to find feels like that, even if you are trained.

I enjoyed this book.  I'm working on my review, now, which will be up next Thursday ahead of the book's release on the 18th.

But for now, let's finish this off with the Book Blogger Hop.  This week's question is:

What fantasy or Sci-fi should be part of the literary canon?

I haven't read much, but one that stands out to me is The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.  They are such rich books even as an adult.  But they are probably already semi part of it anyway, right?

That's it for today.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I agree that Chronicles of Narnia should be part of the literary canon. Yes, I think they are, but the series tends to be thought of as books for children! That relegates them to being thought of as some kind of lesser books, I think. Sadly.

  2. I love it when I find something I can relate to in literature.

  3. The setting is what caught my eye with this one. I've been there a few times over the years. This sounds like a good mystery!

    When I read The Chronicles of Narnia as a child, I remember liking the books, but they didn't hold the same allure for me as an adult. But I do think of them as being part of the fantasy literary canon.


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