Friday, March 29, 2024

Reading Challenge: COYER Spring 2024

Now that April is here (okay, two days away), it is time for the Spring quarter of COYER to start.  It's not quite as strict as the first quarter was, but we still have some rules.

Any format counts.  Considering how many physical books I'm reading in April, that's wonderful.  However, they still have to be very cheap if not free.  Fortunately, ARCs count, as do library books.

So, we'll see how I do at reading books that comply this quarter.  I suspect I'll do better than the first quarter.

1. Molten Death by Leslie Karst
3. The Fly on the Wall by Tony Hillerman
4. Yosemite by Sandy Dengler
5. Under the Paper Moon by Shaina Steinberg
6. A Murder Most French by Colleen Cambridge
7. The Ducal Detective by Sarah E. Burr
8. Torn Asunder by Barbara Ross
9. The Crossing by Michael Connelly

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