Sunday, February 4, 2024

February 4th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As always, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

We started out the week with glorious weather.  I think I mentioned it was mid-70's last week.  Last Sunday, after church, I got out and played a little ultimate Frisbee.  Sort of.  There were more kids than adults playing, so I wasn't trying that hard.  But it was nice to be outside in the pleasant weather with friends.

Things have cooled off since then.  We are only hitting the mid-50's this week, which is much more common winter weather for Southern California.  And it looks like we are supposed to get a heavy rain storm hitting Saturday night and continuing on for several days.

As I was saying to a co-worker on Friday, I'm actually thinking that weather might keep me from running outside this coming week.  Talk about Southern California problems.  I rarely have to think about this.

Since it's now February, we had close this week at work.  Seemed to go well.  We'll wrap that up on Monday.

Before the rain kicked in, I was able to make it to my walking book club Saturday morning.  It's been a while since we met for various reasons.  If you don't remember, a local(ish) library hosts this.  Those who attend just talk about books they've read recently.  We do this while walking through the neighborhood around the library.  (I say localish since the library is in a different city from me, but still close enough to make it worth the drive.)  I got there just as they were leaving.  I forgot to turn on my alarm clock and then didn't sleep well Friday night.  Between the two, I almost missed it, but I'm glad I was able to make it.

Pun of the Week:

A rancher counted 196 head of cattle when they were out on the range, but when he rounded them up he had 200.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: Spy School Goes North by Stuart Gibbs
Monday - Movie Review: Murder at the Breakers
Tuesday - Book Review: The Secrets We Keep by Liz Milliron
Wednesday - TV Show Review: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Season 1
Thursday - Book Review: DM Me for Murder by Sarah E. Burr
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

A little smaller book haul this week.

Let's start with Murder out of Character by Oliva Matthews.  I won this book from Lesa's Book Critiques.  I'd forgotten the book was coming, so when it popped up on my USPS Informed Delivery email, I was trying to figure out what the package was.  Anyway, I'd read the first in the series a couple of years ago, and I'd always intended to read this book.  Now, I have no excuse.  Might even slip it in at the end of the month.

I also spotted that Fade Up from Black by Steven Womack was free on Kindle.  I have the previous books in the series.  I haven't read them, but I have them.  I figured free was a great price, so I snagged it.  This might be the final book in the series (I know the author was having health issues last I'd heard), so now I have the entire series.  I just need to start reading it.  And yes, the book is still free as of this writing.

Finally for this week, there's The Paris Mistress by Mally Becker.  This is the third in her American Revolution Mysteries.  Obviously, the character will be in Paris for this one, but that's all I know about it.  Still, I'm very much looking forward to it.  I've loved the first two.

What I'm Currently Reading:

Once again, I'm between books as I type this.  I stuck around at the library after book club and finished what I was currently reading - Fatal First Edition, the newest Library Lover's Mystery from Jenn McKinlay.  Seems appropriate to me to finish it there.  Plus I had about an hour and fifteen minutes left in the eARC and this way, I could grab lunch on my way home.  Anyway, this was a fun book as always.  It comes out on the thirteenth of this month, but I'm thinking I may bump up my review to the twelfth.  We'll see.  This one involves a valuable first edition of a classic thriller, a train trip, and a blizzard.

In a little bit (have some review/blog work I want to tackle yet today), I'll be starting A Scaly Tail of Murder by Jacqueline Vick.  This is the fifth book in a series about a pet psychic.  I usually avoid paranormal series, but this is one of the exceptions, and I enjoy it.  I'm hoping to get caught up on the series this year.

That wraps things up for me.  Have a great week!


  1. Ugh. Don't remind me. I have to jump on the Schwab website and pay Q4 invoices on Monday.

  2. That weather sounds wonderful. Although our snow melted so I can't really complain. Still, I will :)

  3. 70° F sounds fabulous. Last month’s weather here was awful. I hope the whole country does better soon.
    best… mae at

  4. I like the idea of a walking book club. Yes, it would be worth it to drive to a nearby town to join in.

    We have been having lovely weather here, with an occasional rainstorm. Hope you are able to get in a run this week despite the weather.

  5. I flew to the east coast yesterday so will miss the crazy rain that SoCal is getting; I hope there isn't too much damage. Stay safe!

    I love the idea of your walking book group!

  6. A walking book club sounds like fun. Mine just meets at Starbucks or on Facebook. :)

  7. A walking book club sounds amazing! You can feed two birds with one scone - physical and intellectual exercise!

  8. I am not big on paranormal reads either, but glad you have found one that is worth making an exception for. Have a great week!

  9. I never heard of a walking book club. That' sounds like fun. Have a great week!

  10. The walking book club sounds great, I'd love to do something like that. Glad you made it!

    Hope you enjoy your books!

  11. A walking book club sounds like a great idea, I’m glad you were able to make it.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  12. Funny, I mentioned on my post that because the weather will be so nice here (highs in the 50s and sunny) this week, I should get out for my walks. I haven't seen Murder at the Breakers yet. I'm planning to watch it this week. And I just started DM Me for Murder. I really want to get started with the Library Lover's series. It sounds so good! And when you mention the train trip, it makes me want to just skip right to that book! I love train scenes in books and in movies. (I won't do that, though. I'll start with the first some point soon hopefully.) Have a great week! :-)

  13. I love the idea of the walking book club. Sounds like so much fun. I'm reading the Jenn McKinlay book too and so far so good! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  14. I like the idea of a walking book club. That's a fun idea. I was expecting more rain today than we've gotten, but I am sure it will be here tonight. Murder Out of Character and The Paris Mistress both sound really good. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week, Mark!

  15. Weather is crazy this time of year for us as well. One day it's snowing, the next day it's 50 degrees. A walking book club sounds like fun. Hope you enjoy your books.

  16. The weather has been grey here with temperatures of 10 degrees Centigrade (I'm not sure what that converts to 😂). I love this sort of weather. I feel that you can do more outside things in comfort under a bit of cloud cover!

    I like the sound of a walking library not that I have time to do it plus my oldest son would complain 😂

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  17. So, weird coincidence. As I am doing my blog hopping I am watching an Australian quiz show, and one of the contestant's specialist subjects is Ultimate Frisbee!!

  18. I can't wait to read Fatal First Edition. I love that series!

  19. Your walking book club sounds like fun. I'd enjoy the exercise and hearing about what other people are reading. You weather - even the upcoming cooler weather - sounds great to someone from my part of Minnesota. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  20. The Womack series sounds great. I may check out book one soon.

  21. The Paris Mistress looks good.

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  22. I love the idea of a walking book club! And The Paris Mistress sounds intriguing to me. Have a great week and happy reading!

  23. I like the idea of a walking book club too. I'm going to see if I can get my ESO group to do this. Cute Pun.
    I hope you didn't get too much rain like parts of CA.
    I like the sound of a Psychic Pet - A Scaly Tale.
    Happy Reading!


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