Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 13th's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi everyone.  Hope you are having a good weekend.  Time for this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will link up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

When I posted last week, I was planning to attend a local theater production of Fiddler on the Roof that night.  It was so good!  The cast did a great job with it.  I'd forgotten just how hard the second act hits.  I'm really glad I got to see it.

It was cooler than it has been, or is usual for August, this past week.  Just how cool was it?  Thursday, I went for a run on my lunch hour, something I usually can't do in the summer because of how hot it is.  But we're supposed to hit triple digits again in a couple of days, so things will be back to normal.

Friday night, I hung out with some friends and watched the LA Aviators, our professional ultimate Frisbee team, take on the Salt Lake Shred in the play offs.  As expected, we lost.  Salt Lake has only lost one game all season, and that was against another undefeated team.  Still, it was close, 20-23.  I was afraid it might be more of a blow out.

It's game day!  I'm working on this early on Saturday so I can go over to my friends' and play games all day.  One of my favorite days of the month.

That pretty much covers the excitement around here this week.

Pun of the Week:

A sandwich walks into a bar.  The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food in here.”

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Ornament Review: Jafar
Tuesday - Book Review: Claws of Death by Cathy Wiley
Wednesday - Movie Review: Ghostbusters (2016)
Thursday - Book Review: Birder, She Wrote by Donna Andrews
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul

I just have two books to tell you about again this week.  I know, who am I?  At least I am keeping pace with my reading this way.

An Unseen Current by Bethany Maines crossed my radar this week.  It's set off the coast of Washington State, and sounds like it could be fun.  An ex-actress and her grandfather, an ex-CIA agent, teaming up to solve a mystery on their island.  Even better, the ebook was on sale, so I snagged it.  And it looks like it is still on sale, at least as of my writing this.

Meanwhile, I also snagged an ARC of Calico by Lee Goldberg.  No, he's not one of my normal cozy authors, but I enjoy his books.  This one comes out in November, and I'm looking forward to reading it closer to release day.

What I'm Currently Reading

Friday night, when I got home from my friends' house, I finished up Halloween Cupcake Murder.  This is a novella collection featuring stories by Carlene O'Connor, Liz Ireland, and Carol J. Perry.  I read it for the Liz Ireland story since I love her Mrs. Claus books.  All three of the stories were good, but that was my favorite.

Of course, I've started my next book already.  I'm all of two chapters into A Peculiar Combination by Ashley Weaver.  I've heard lots of good things about this book, set in World War II England and featuring a safe cracker who is used in the war efforts.  So far, I'm enjoying it.  I won't have much time to read Saturday, but I will delve into it more on Sunday.

Think that wraps it up for the week.  Have a good one, all.


  1. I like World War II books, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts on A Peculiar Combination. Enjoy your game day!

  2. Game Day sounds like a lot of fun. We used to occasionally do those, but we haven't in a long time.

    Enjoy that cool weather. We have had no rain for more than a month, and it's startlingly hot.

  3. We had several opportunities this past week to spend a few hours playing games, it was fabulous! Enjoy!!!

  4. We are a huge game playing family and almost all our family get togethers revolve around games though I suspect they are different than what you're talking about. :) We love a good few hours of poker! :) I'm not familiar with Lee Goldberg but this book sounds interesting. So I checked my library and they don't have this one on order but they have others, so I'll try him out.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  5. Game day sounds fun!

    Nice to see Ashley Weaver. I read her first book and really enjoyed it.

  6. Hooray for a break from the more intense heat. And nice that your team really held their own against an arguably better team. Well done. Hope you enjoy your latest reads this week!

  7. Glad Fiddler on the Roof was a good production. I'd like to see that.

  8. Sounds like you had a great week. Hope you enjoy your books!

  9. I hope you enjoy your game today!

  10. We have thought about joining a game day group here although I mean board games and cards. My daughter also enjoys a variety of online games.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  11. I'm glad you got to see Fiddler on the Roof and, Yay game night!

    It's been nice, needing a blanket in the middle of the night again. Ha ha.

  12. Glad to hear you enjoyed the play and didn't get creamed in your game. Hope you had fun playing games on Saturday! Have a wonderful week, Mark!

  13. I like Lee Goldberg's books too. This looks like a good one. I hope you enjoy when you read it. Have a great week!

  14. I am enjoying the cooler weather here too, although I didn't get out in it as much as I would have liked. I am glad you enjoyed Fiddler on the Roof. It really is a great musical. I enjoy Ashley Weaver's series and hope you continue to enjoy A Peculiar Combination! Have a great week, Mark!

  15. Sounds like you played a great game even though you didn't win. I love that you get together with your friends to play games once a month. Have a great week and stay cool. :-)

  16. Game day sounds perfect, you work so hard you need days like that.

  17. I need to watch a professional frisbee game, I have a hard time imagining it.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  18. So glad you enjoyed the theater. Game Day sounds like fun! A Peculiar Combination caught my eye this week. Hope you enjoy your books.

  19. Sounds like you had a good week. I liked A Peculiar Combination. I just requested Calico since Goldberg is becoming a new favorite author of mine. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  20. I have A Peculiar Combination on my TBR. It looks really good and that cover really grabs my attention. The theater sounds really fun and I love the pun. Have a great week!

  21. Game day! We have that as a family once a month and we've just started up a game day again with some friends. So fun. Hope it was a blast.

  22. So glad you enjoyed the production.
    Ohh- I want a game day. I'll have to see if I can arrange one.
    Calico sounds pretty good. Hope you have a good week and Happy Reading!

  23. I forgot to change the Unknown to my name. So the last comment was mine. Martha

  24. A whole day of playing games with friends? That sounds so good in many ways: a day of not worrying about all the stuff we "should" do, time with friends, games, etc. My daughter and I have gotten really into playing bananagrams.

  25. Looks like you are branching a bit out of cozies? Enjoy!


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