Saturday, September 14, 2024

Reading Challenge: 20 Books of Christmas Reading Challenge 2024

 Well, I couldn't let this one pass me by, could I?  I'm joining one more reading challenge for 2024.  This one is a seasonal one - the 20 Books of Christmas reading challenge.  The idea is as simple as it sounds - read Christmas themed books between now and the end of the year.  I don't quite have 20 books I'll be able to count between now and then, but fortunately, we can shoot for something lower, like 15 or 10 or 5.

Me?  I'm going to shoot for 7.  Yeah, I know.

Here's the thing.  These books were already on my radar to read for Christmas this year.  Three of them are just about to come out, and I'll be reviewing ARCs.  The rest I'm buying and waiting to read until December.  The final one will hopefully be out in time for me to read it in December.  If not, I'll hit six Christmas books this year.

Good thing this is a flexible challenge, right?

Enough rambling, here are the books I'll be including in the challenge.

1. A Slay Ride Together with You by Vicki Delany
2. Mrs. Claus and the Nightmare Before New Year's by Liz Ireland
3. A Merry Little Murder Plot by Jenn McKinlay
4. Shock and Paw by Cate Conte
5. Sleep in Heavenly Pizza by Mindy Quigley
6. Rockin' Around the Chickadee by Donna Andrews
7. Fatal Food Festival Mystery #4 by Cathy Wiley (and when I see the title again, I'll update)

That should keep me busy, right?

Here's to a merry next few months reading.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in on the challenge Mark! I hope you enjoy all of your books. ☺️


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