Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20th's Weekly TV Thoughts

American Ninja Warrior – That bell obstacle looks so brutal.  It’s the reason there were so few finishers.  But I’m thrilled that Jessie was one of them!  Always love to see her do well.  Happy the science teacher who started the episode made it through as well.  It’s so rare the first one shown actually does well on the course.

Race to Survivor: New Zealand – I really did figure that one of the teams would be eliminated.  I’m honestly impressed they made it.  Yes, it was very close, but they all made it.  I wish the guy from the divorced couple wouldn’t be so arrogant.  After all, who made it to the check point first?  And by quite a margin, too.

The Acolyte – And it just got worse.  Again, why are the characters doing what they are doing?  They are turning on a dime, and it made no sense.  Both Osha and Mea did things I didn’t expect them to do.  There were things that could have been good about this series.  But the way this was executed?  Horrible.  At least we got some good fights again.

Press Your Luck – I only caught part of the episode.  Wow, the woman won big.  That’s always nice to see.  And nice to see her walk away when she did.  I think I would have, too.  Since it aired so wonky on my station due to the convention, I had no sense of how far into the episode I was, so I had no clear guess to what she was going to do.  It was kind of fun.

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