Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ornament Review: Ichabod and Katrina - Art of Disney Animation #1 - 2015 Disney Store Ornament

Stars: 5 out of 5
: Two lesser done characters; creatively done
Cons: Very slight tip
The Bottom Line:
Lesser characters
Captured in iconic scene
New series starts right

Ichabod and Katrina Dance onto Your Tree

With how popular The Disney Store’s 2014-2015 Moments That Made Disney ornament series was, it’s hardly surprising that they decided to come up with a new series.  And so August saw the first release in a new yearlong series – Art of Disney Animation.  The series kicks off with some lesser done characters, and Ichabod and Katrina is an instant hit with this DisNerd.

This ornament captures them in mid-dance at the party where Ichabod makes his move and starts dancing with the lovely Katrina – the moment that Ichabod transforms from a bumbling duck into a graceful swan.  He’s got one hand reaching up to his full height, and yet Katrina’s hand is in his palm.  They are staring deeply into each other’s eyes.  And Ichabod is taking a step back, so his back foot is actually off the circle base.

Actually, it’s that last bit that I just love.  It’s a nice touch that gives them the illusion of being in motion.  I wouldn’t have thought anything of it if they had been in the middle of the base, but them being off to a side is just fun.  Their pink and dark green colors are lovely as well.  Really, this is a great ornament to look at.

Plus we have to talk about the fact that these are two very minor characters in the Disney cannon from an all but forgotten short just trotted out each year at Halloween.  Yet they still made it part of this limited edition series.  I just love that since I love collecting as many different Disney characters as I can.  You could also put this out for Halloween or Christmas is you so desired, which is an added bonus.

Of course, that circle base gives them a nice level platform, so you could set this out year round if that’s what you want to do.  There is a red ribbon on the top, and if you go to hang the ornament, you’ll find that it tips just slightly to the side.  That’s not surprising since the figures are off center.  What is surprising is it is opposite the way you would expect it to tip.  It’s not super noticeable and worth noting only in passing.

A surprising moment of animation involving two lesser characters is perfectly captured in Ichabod and Katrina.  Is it any wonder I love this fun ornament?

Original Price: $19.95

Love Disney animation?  You'll want to check out the rest of the Art of Disney Animation ornament series.

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