Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26th's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi everyone!  Hope you are having a fantastic weekend.  Time for a Sunday/Monday post, where I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What are You Reading?

Buckle in, it's been quite a week.

When last we left you in the saga of my life, I still hadn't taken my Christmas decorations completely down.  You'll be relieved to know that I did indeed get everything put away Saturday night.  And just as I finished that, I got a text from a good friend who was going to be in town for his job.

We wound up hanging out Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights.  It was great to see him.  We were at my place working through Pushing Daisies.  We just started watching that show together before he moved.  And if you haven't watched that show, find a way to fix that.  It's only 22 episodes spread over two seasons, and it is delightful.  Here's my review of season 1 to whet your appetite.

Then, Wednesday, I had dinner with my uncle and aunt who were in town.  We went to a steak restaurant right by my condo, but some place I rarely go to.  The company was great and the food was, too.

As I said last week, I had Monday off for President's day.  I was productive in the morning - I got my taxes done for the year.  It's always a relief when I get those finished.

And the weather last weekend was wonderful.  I got out last Sunday and played some disc golf with some friends in the afternoon.  Monday afternoon, I went for a hike near my condo.  I wasn't the only one - there were lots of other people around the entire time I was hiking.

But the weather has really changed.  It got cold just a couple of days later, and the rain came.  We had 4.5 inches of rain on Friday.  And it's been snowing nearby as well.  The only snow I actually saw was a little falling Saturday afternoon, but nothing that was sticking.  It's back to rain now.  It's been 10 years since we saw snow in my part of Southern California.  I'm not used to this kind of cold weather!  Needless to say, I didn't go paddle boarding today.  Way too cold to be enjoyable.

To make up for last week's productivity, I have been pretty lazy today, lounging around the condo.

Told you I had a lot to cover.  But I think that about does it.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: City of the Dead by James Ponti
Monday - Movie Review: Black Panther - Wakanda Forever
Tuesday - Book Review: Secrets and Scents by Lyn Perry
Wednesday - February's Monthly Reading Summary
Thursday - Book Review: Till Death Do Us Port by Kate Lansing
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I've got four books to tell you about.  Okay, fine, seven.  And one of them has been in my possession for less than an hour, too.

Why the confusion with the math at the beginning?  Because, I was trying to put a positive spin on my book haul for the week.  But in my defense, Amazon counts this as one book, not four.  What am I talking about?  The boxed set of first four books in Cathy Ace's WISE Enquiries Agency series were free on Kindle earlier this week.  As of right now, it looks like they are still free.  It's hard to pass up free, especially on four books.

I ordered a couple of books from Amazon, and they showed up this week as well.  The first is The Last Orphan, the latest in Gregg Hurwitz's Orphan X series.  I love these thrillers, and I can't wait to be able to dive in.  Unfortunately, I think it will be a while before I can get to it.  I pretty much have my March reading set already.

I was a big fan of The Big Bang Theory, so I'd been eyeing The Definitive, Inside Story written by Jessica Radloff.  It's been on sale at Amazon, so I snagged it as well to get to free shipping since I don't have Prime. I was not expecting it to be a 500 page book, however.  I want to read it, but I'm going to have to allow some extra time.

And the book that just arrived?  My pre-order from Barnes and Noble of The Shimmer, the first in the new Kingdom Keeper Inheritance series from Ridley Pearson.   Yes, I've found the Kingdom Keeper series to be hit or miss in the past, but I have to read them.  I love the premise of kids fighting Disney villains in Disney theme parks.  Yes, I'm a DisNerd, what can I say?

What I'm Currently Reading:

Just before I started typing this, I finished up Vinyl Resting Place by Olivia Blacke.  This is the first in a Record Shop Mysteries series, and it was a lot of fun.  I won't be reviewing it until March 9th, so I have a little time to work on my review.

That means, I'll be starting on The Shimmer.  I was hoping that the book would arrive so I could slip it into my reading schedule next.  It's always a little tricky to work these middle grade books into my schedule since I read them in addition to my normal books, and I've got the time right now.

And I'm still working on my audiobook, The Christie Caper by Carolyn Hart.  I'm at the 50% point in the audiobook.  I have a feeling I won't finish it until next weekend at the pace I'm going.

That about does it.  Have a great week!


  1. My sisters live in So Cal too, and they are tired of the cold and rain! But, their rain comes over here to Flagstaff as snow. I'll be driving to So Cal this week so I'll be enjoying the rain with you.

  2. It's been a while since i read Carolyn Hart, but the cover of the book looks familiar. I loved her mystery novels.

    Have a good week.

  3. Snow! What a surprise. We rarely get snow here along the Gulf Coast of Texas, but we did two years ago. It certainly puts a crimp in your outdoor plans.

    I've seen the Big Bang Theory book as an on-sale Kindle read, too, and I've been tempted. I am curious to see what you think of it.

  4. I love The Big Bang Theory! I'll have to look for that book. It's been cold and wet here, too, but I can't get angry because we have a lot of fires during the summer. Maybe this will help.

  5. That must be crazy to see snow there! Sounds like you had a great week.

  6. The Big Bang is one of my favorite shows so the book about it sounds really fun! Our weather has been so strange this past few days, hasn't it?! I'll admit I kind of like the change. And today the sun is shining and I am off for a walk. Enjoy your Sunday

  7. Hello there! Yes, the weekend has been nice! I hope yours is going well, too! How nice to have an impromptu visit with your friend! I found Pushing Daisies on Amazon Prime for $2.99 an episode. I’ll keep looking for a more economically friendly avenue as it sounds delightful! Yes, I hear you about getting those taxes done! We heard about the snow in California! Yikes!
    Yup, The WISE books were still free – so I picked them up! Hurwitz’ series sounds pretty good. Thank you for the heads up! Sounds like your have some great reading ahead!

  8. I loved Vinyl Resting Place. The Big Bang Theory was a favorite of mine. This book would be fun to read. Thanks for the tip about the Cathy Ace series. It's still free and I got it. I've read a few books by her and enjoyed them. Seems like so many people are dealing with weird weather conditions lately. Hope you have a great week!

  9. Sounds like a fun week. Minus all the rain (and snow)!

    I've only read one Hurwitz book, the YA he did a few years ago. It was pretty intense!

  10. I can't believe you're talking about getting snow you haven't seen there in so long and I'm wishing we had more snow this year. Central Maryland doesn't usually get a ton like the northeast does, but we usually get more than a dusting, which is what we've had so far. I'm actually relieved to know Pushing Daisies is not on a streaming platform I have because my TBW ("to be watched" that a thing?) is bursting at the seams. WTG on getting your taxes done. I will be doing mine soon. Vinyl Resting Place has been on my radar for a while. It seems like the making of a fun series. I'm interested in reading your review of Wakanda Forever. I watched it the first day it was on Disney+. Have a great week! :-)

  11. Sounds like a good week! It's always fun catching up with friends. Have a great week!

  12. So fun to catch up with friends and family! And congratulations on getting all your Christmas stuff up. We've scaled way down the last few years and one of the reasons is because I hate getting everything picked up. Have a wonderful week!

  13. Good haul! - Lyn Perry

  14. My son is still in Southern California and he did see snow in his area. We moved to Northern California last year and we've had a ton of snow this week. Today it just keeps coming. I loved The Last Orphan! The series is sooo good! Hope you love it as much as I did.

  15. The weather was nice here too. Then the rain came and made it cold. I never know someone that keeps their Christmas decoration up this late.
    Have a great week.

  16. It has been snowing for us here in the San Francisco Bay Area too and definitely unexpectedly cold as well... The last time we had snow, it was only high up in the mountains and melted before 10 am! This time, the snow is staying and we are in for more rain/snow this week...
    I loved Pushing Daisies and really hoped they would continue it for another season at that time..
    My Sunday post is here

  17. I think it is romantic that there is snow in So. Cal but I do recognize it isn't really a goo thing. Something is crazy with our weather.

  18. Crazy about all the snow! GFY getting the Christmas decorations put away. Our neighbor across the street did the same last week! Enjoy your reading and have a good week.
    Mary @Bookfan

  19. It does sound like you had a busy week. That's a lot of rain for one day. I'm glad you missed the snow. I liked Vinyl Resting Place too. Come see my week <a href=">here</a>. Happy reading!

  20. Sounds like a great week! I am going to check out that show. The weather has been so rainy and windy, but parts of the state have had snow, so I guess I'll feel happy about not going there.

    Enjoy the week.

  21. Wow so pleased to hear all Christmas decorations are now down!! Sounds like a really good week people wise. Weather these days sure is achanging. I heard about the snow in California in our news here in NZ. Enjoy your reading.

  22. I have been meaning to read the Hurwitz series forever. I even own the first book! Looks like you had a great week - Christmas down, friend visiting - all is good. Have a great week!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  23. Your week does sound like it was busy. Glad for your comfort that you got your Christmas decorations down. (I have a large outdoor wreath that stays up all year.)
    I liked the first Orphan X book and have book 2 on my Audible TBR shelf. I need to get reading/listening to get caught up.
    Enjoy all of your new books. Happy Reading!

  24. Great haul!


  25. Weather all over the U.S. has been crazy. We had one day of 80 degrees and then plummeted to the low 40s. But no snow, only rain here in D.C. area.

  26. Nice with the one by Hurwitz! It's nice when you find a series that works

  27. Praise be!!!! You were stressing me out with those Christmas decorations! LOL

    I see Pushing Daisies is on HBO Max so I might check it out one of these days. Sounds interesting!


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