Sunday, February 12, 2023

Super Bowl Sunday's Sunday/Monday Post

Happy Sunday, everyone!  Time for a Sunday/Monday post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Anyone else planning to watch the Super Bowl?  While usually, my "watching" football means I have the TV on with the sound off while I'm doing other things, even reading, I do actually try to watch the Super Bowl, mainly for the commercials.  This year, I actually care about the game since I've become a fair-weather Chiefs fan.  Mainly, I'm a Mahomes fan since he's my quarterback for my fantasy league.  Sometime, I'll watch the Super Bowl with friends, but this year, I'm planning to stay home and watch it.

You see, someone still hasn't taken down his Christmas decorations.  We aren't naming names to protect me, I mean this guilty person.  And since they are in my living room with my TV, I figure that's a good time to do it.  Or at least start.  It will take me longer than the game, but I will have a good jump on it.  Of course, I may have to turn off my computer to make sure I don't distract myself too much.  I've been thinking I would be able to start on it earlier this week, and it hasn't happened yet.

Not that this week was anything too exciting or different.  I didn't do much beside work, in fact.  Super exciting, right?

I didn't paddle Saturday morning.  It was cold and windy, which wouldn't make it any fun.  Plus, it was game day with my friends, so it was nice to have a quiet Saturday morning at home before I left for that.

And I think that's pretty much my week.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson
Monday - Book Review: It Takes Two to Mango by Carrie Doyle
Tuesday - Movie Review: Send Me No Flowers
Wednesday - Book Review: Stuff Dreams are Made of by Don Bruns
Thursday - Ornament Review: Winter Fun with Snoopy #25
Friday - Book Review: Murder on Wall Street by Victoria Thompson
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I got two books this past week.  One of them was an eARC of Till Death Do Us Port by Kate Lansing, the fourth in her Colorado Wine Mysteries.  I've enjoyed the others in the series, and I'm looking forward to reading this one.

The other book I got was my pre-order of City of the Dead, the fourth City Spies book from James Ponti.  I've got to admit, I didn't think I would be able to include the book this week.  I got the shipping notification from Barnes and Noble on Monday, but the tracking never updated.  I contacted them via chat yesterday mid-afternoon, and I got the usual "you need to wait, there is nothing we can do yet" run around.  I explained that I've had bad luck with them in the last couple of months with this kind of thing happening, but they didn't really respond to that.  So I was rather embarrassed when I found the book in my mailbox when I checked the mail after work.  I was trying to be firm but not rude.  Hopefully, that's how it came across.  As to the tracking not updating, it looks like a second tracking number was placed over the one I got in my email.  So, I bet that one updated all along the route while the one I was watching never updated.

All that's a long way of saying that I have the book, which is a good things because....

What I'm Reading:

I'm currently reading City of the Dead by James Ponti.  Okay, so as of when I'm typing this, I'm only 20 pages into the book.  I doubt I'll get very far into it over the weekend since I've got games on Saturday and work around the condo on Sunday to cut into my reading time.  But I hope to get a little further into it before I dive in Monday and Tuesday.  If you aren't familiar with the series, these are fun middle grade spy stories.  I highly recommend them.  I'll be reviewing this one in a couple of weeks, if all goes according to plan.

That's it for me.  Hope you have a great week.


  1. I keep forgetting about the Super Bowl, LOL! We won't be watching it this year. Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like you had a good week. We will probably watch the Super Bowl too. Good luck getting your Christmas decorations packed away!

  3. I "watch" the superbowl the same way you do. I'll be blogging, reading and working around the house while watching. I don't care much who wins, but I hope it's a good close game. Have a great week, Mark

  4. Hubby will be watching the game so I'll see it as I wander through the room doing other things. I think I'll try working ahead on the blog while he's busy with TV. Good luck with holiday decor's a challenge to find the motivation to put it all away.
    Have a terrific week - happy reading.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  5. I dreamed last night that I had forgotten to take my Christmas tree down. I hoped my sister would not notice it when she came to visit.

    We've been having lots of problems with delivery of mail and packages. I guess it is because so many people are having things delivered now. Glad yours arrived!

  6. I might watch some of the Super Bowl while doing a really challenging jigsaw puzzle! Have fun.

  7. Have fun watching the Super Bowl! I'm rooting for the Chiefs, merely because I live in Missouri, but I haven't watched the game since I lost my favorite people to watch with (my parents). I think taking down Christmas decorations is the perfect accompanying project.

  8. I think the commercials for the superbowl are the best part! I'm originally from Philly so I'd be backing the Eagles :-)

  9. Several people in my neighborhood still have their Christmas decorations up, so you're not alone. I'm going to my family's Super Bowl party. I'll mostly just be there for the snacks.

  10. I'm not a football fan but we'll probably have the game on in the background while I do other stuff. I have to get back to reading the Kate Lansing series. I'm one book behind and I wanted to be caught up before the next book comes out. I don't think I will though. Enjoy the game and have a great week!

  11. Game day sounds fun. And I am watching the Super Bowl, although partly for the commercials I must admit. Not sure who I'm rooting for- maybe KC because barbeque lol.

  12. We don't watch football or much of any tv. We have some decorations on the mantel and the stockings but the rest is packed. I'm on track with my February ARCs and will do buddy reading this week, some library books, and start a March ARC.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  13. Enjoy your Super-Bowl-watching-and-tree-untrimming "party"! I don't think I'll be watching much, if any, of the Super Bowl this year. I just don't care much for football anymore.

    I'll check out your review of Of Manners and Murder once I get my own written up. I thought it was light and fun.

  14. Good luck getting all the Christmas decor down while watching the Super Bowl! We went to a friends and I kept side watching it while eating and visiting. Hope you enjoy Orphan X as much as I did!

  15. Til Death do us Port looks good!
    Mary @Bookfan

  16. The Super Bowl was quite exciting this year. I'll admit I had the sound off for the second half as I was really close to finishing and audiobook and wanted to listen at the same time. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  17. Hope you got some of those decorations down during the game! Wow all I can say is you must have a huge amount on display.

  18. As far as I am concerned, there is no rule about when you have to take down the Christmas decorations. Whenever you feel like it is the right time! I've been known to drag it out for quite a while so I know this first hand. :-) I hope you enjoyed the game and were able to get some, if not all, of those decorations down as planned. I hope you are enjoying your reading and have a great week, Mark.

  19. I ordered from Barnes & Noble recently and almost every book came in its own shipment -- one was barely still in its corrugated cardboard shipping envelope. It was put in one that was too small and hadn't even been sealed. First time I've seen that from them. I'm still waiting to receive SPARE, though, which was supposed to be my mother's Valentine's Day gift tomorrow.
    I'm so out of it with the Super Bowl that I don't even know who won the game. And after seeing mention of the commercials, I watched the "top five" on YouTube and I don't know who any of the celebrities are in them, so I'm definitely not in the target demographic!
    We only just put away the last of Christmas a week ago, if that makes you feel less alone! ;)

  20. I still haven't put away my Christmas door wreath. I need to dig out the spring one. I hope you made good progress.
    It sounded like a really good game. I heard mostly positive comments about the commercials, the game, and even the half-time. And that is a plus in my mind.
    Enjoy your reading this week!

  21. We watched the Super Bowl and it was a good game.

  22. I pretty much never watch the Super Bowl, but did this year and it was a good game. I was disappointed in the half time show and only a couple commercials were entertaining. Have a great week!

  23. It's like the Super Bowl doesn't exist for me except that my partner watches it in the basement and I am forced to cook dinner. (He usually does this) Hope you got your Christmas stuff all packed away.
    I am a fan of the City Spies series and have been waiting for this one. Thanks for the reminder. I went and put a reserve on the audiobook of it.

  24. Your secret about Christmas decorations is safe with me! I did my part to take down decorations, but my husband only did about half of what he needed to do, so we still have boxes and the tree stand out.... Someday, maybe, I'll have my house back! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories


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