Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 17th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Here are thoughts on what I watched this week.

Supergirl – Each week, they are getting more and more preachy.  I honestly don’t know how much more of the show I can handle.  I wasn’t expecting the General to be such a good partner, so that last scene didn’t surprise me that much.  James isn’t going to go to the dark side, too, is he?

God Friended Me – I feel like this had the least happy ending we’ve seen so far.  However, I liked that since it was so personal, and since we were dealing with some crimes and not just rocky relationships.  Of course, since the uncle wasn’t arrested, that is a major happy ending to things.  So cool to see Michael Vartan!  (I was a huge Alias fan back in the day.)  I did find that sub-plot to be the most predictable, and I felt Kara overreacted a little.  Then again, I’ve never been in her position (thankfully), but it seems to me like her dad did the right thing back then because he didn’t know he could trust her mom.  Yes, he was protecting himself, but he was definitely protecting her as well.

Dancing with the Stars – Joe finally went this week.  The only surprise there was that he hadn’t gone sooner.  However, I’m shocked that Juan Pablo went.  Watching him, I was certain that he was going to win it all.  Now I’m less certain who will win it all next week since there are three strong contenders to win.

Arrow – Please let that be a true way to get Oliver out of prison.  Please.  Although the two sides working together without knowing it proved to be pretty entertaining tonight.  Definitely one of the better episodes this season.  But I’m ready for Oliver to be on the outside.

Legends of Tomorrow – This episode sounded like fun, and it truly was.  It had the campy horror movie vibe I was expecting, although a lot less horror than I thought it might.  A little surprised they set it in the 90’s instead of the 80’s.  Either way, I completely enjoyed it.

The Flash – I’m glad that Nora and Iris have finally started bonding.  I’m curious what lead her to the decision in the future.  I wonder how they will tell us.  And I loved Cecil’s way to getting Nora to listen.  That meta was super creepy.  His look was straight out of a horror movie.  These shows do know we are in November, right?  And how wonderful was the Spiderman homage this week of all weeks with Stan Lee’s passing.

Survivor – Double idols.  Wow!  I don’t know that I’ve seen that before in quite that fashion.  And they were played for people who actually needed them played for them, too.  I honestly thought they might have to go for a revote, but they didn’t.  Davids still behind, but they are closer.  It will be interesting to see what happens here.  And for the record, I like Christian, I’m rooting for him, but they were right to try to get rid of him because he is a major threat.

Big Bang Theory – They finally seem to have found their stride this year, and I’m enjoying the show again.  Sheldon and Amy’s reaction to the news was priceless.  I even found Bernadette’s sub-plot to be fun as well.  Let’s hope they continue these strong episodes for the rest of the season.

The Good Place – As I have raved about this show, I have always said I disagreed with the show’s theology.  I’m very curious where they are going with the idea that earning points to get into the real good place is a bogus system.  I doubt it will be a Christian answer to the afterlife, but I’m still intrigued.  Janet’s fight was awesome!  And, as a Mark with a brother named Michael, I loved the slip of the name scene, too.

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