6 spaces: free books (any format, but must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
5 spaces: nearly free books. This is less than $1 print/eBook, or $3 audiobooks (still any format, but still must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
4 spaces: sale books. This is less than $5 print/eBook, or $7.50 audiobooks (still any format, but still must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
3 spaces: library books, ARCs, borrowed books (still any format)
2 spaces: subscription books — KU, Prime, Scribd, Audible+, etc (still any format)
1 space: any book, any format, any LEGAL means of obtaining, any price
I think the biggest problem I'm going to have is remembering how much I paid for some of the books I'll be reading. Although I do have a lot of ARCs coming up.
But I'll do my best.
I'll add the point value to the side of the books. And I'll add the game board when I see it.
Good luck! I've never participated in the COYER challenge.