Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday post.  I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

We got some rain on Tuesday, but the weather has turned glorious the last couple of days.  I think Spring has finally arrived.  It was perfectly clear and blue today all day, and the high was in the upper 60's.  Supposed to dive down again Monday but we warmer again for Easter weekend, hitting 80.

I'll take it.

I also took advantage of the warmer weather Saturday to finally get back out paddle boarding again.  The weather was perfectly pleasant with hardly any wind.  It was great.

Then I stopped by the large park in town on the way home.  Why?  The ultimate Frisbee tournament for winter league was happening there.  I wandered around and said hi to some friends I spotted.  It's been a few years since I've seen most of them, so it was nice to see them and watch a few points.

Then I went for a hike.  I headed to Vasquez Canyon Park.  The friend I paddle board with had told me about a trail that took us under the freeway there.  Actually, the trail is part of the Pacific Crest Trail.  I'd just learned about it, but I immediately needed to do it.  She was planning to go, so I joined her.  It was a beautiful hike through a canyon to get there and back.

Of course, all this means I'm behind on my to do list for the day.  Oh well, guess I'll be working on most of those things tomorrow.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: Whale Done by Stuart Gibbs
Monday - Ornament Review: Constance R. Goodwin Special Edition
Tuesday - Book Review: Digging Up Daisy by Sherry Lynn
Wednesday - Movie Review: Batman and Robin
Thursday - Book Review: On Spine of Death by Tamara Berry
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul

It has been a week for books.  Again.  It's another six book week.

Actually, the first book is one I missed last time around.  Murder at a London Finishing School is the seventh Beryl and Edwina Mystery from Jessica Ellicott.  I love this series, set in a small English village in the 1920's, so I'm looking forward to it.  I've got an ARC, and the book comes out at the end of July.

The first book I got this week is another ARC, this time for a May book tour - If I Had a Hammer by Teresa Trent.  This is another historical mystery, set in the 1960's in a small town in Texas.  This book is set in the aftermath of JFK's assassination, so I'm curious what the author is going to do with that.

Moving over to the library, I snagged the audio version of "X" by Sue Grafton.  I'm down to the final two books in this series.  I'm looking forward to finishing and dreading it at the same time.  Make sense?  I'm sure it does to fellow readers.

My pre-order for Curds of Prey by Korina Moss arrived.  This is the third in her Cheese Shop series.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens to the characters next.  I'm hoping to start it in a week or so, so I'm glad it arrived on time.

And I got two ebooks.  The first is Murder by the Book by Lauren Elliott.  I've been thinking about this book for a while, and when it went on sale for 99 cents, I had to take a chance on it.  Looks like, as of writing this, it is still on sale, so if you've been thinking about it, now's the time to snag it.

Finally, I got Yosemite by Sandy Dengler.  I was thrilled to see her return to her Jack Prester series, which is set in various National Parks.  I had a Kindle credit burning a hole in my pocket, so I decided to use it on this one.

Phew, at this rate, I will never catch up on the books I want to read.  Fortunately, most of these are digital, so my condo isn't getting more crowded.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm working on The Truth We Hide by Liz Milliron.  If you'll remember from last week, this is the ARC I'd received that was wet.  I was able to dry it out with the hair dryer I borrowed.  As I've been joking with people, it looks like it needs conditioner now since the pages are stiff and sticking out quite a bit.  I'm not surprised that was the result.  The book is readable, which was my real concern.

Anyway, I had hoped to finish it today.  If you want to know why I didn't, go back and read the start of this post where I talk about all I was doing today instead of reading.  It's certainly not because I'm not enjoying the book.  I definitely plan to finish it up tomorrow.

Which means Monday I will start on Knot on Her Life by Mary Marks.  This is the seventh in her Quilting Mysteries.  I really enjoy thes books, and I'm hoping to finish the series up this year.

That about does it for this week.  Have a great one!


  1. That hike sounds great. and of course so does paddlebaording. It was cold again here today but we're supposed to warm up... eventually ha ha!

    London finishing looks fun. I need to take note of that one. Love the cover of it.

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Good to hear you are finally enjoying some decent weather!

    best... mae at

  3. I agree---take advantage of that fantastic weather to get outside and paddle board and hike. It's good weather here, too, and I hope to get out later today.

    You certainly have a lot of good books awaiting you. Enjoy!

  4. Curds of Prey, lol. Looks like a good haul. And glad you got back on the lake after the recent snows in SoCal! ;) Happy reading.

  5. That sounds like a great Saturday. I love the idea of a candy review! I had no idea that Honey Graham M&Ms existed.

  6. If I Had a Hammer looks interesting. I'm a sucker for JFK tir-ins. Happy reading!

  7. I totally understand the mixed feelings about finishing the Grafton series. It's definitely an accomplishment to read them all, but sad that there are no more (especially that she didn't get to Z since she died too young).

  8. Oh yes, the way the weather has been lately you should enjoy all those good days you can get outside. Sounds like a lot of fun, Mark. Enjoy your Sunday 😊

  9. Sounds like a great week and a nice book haul! Enjoy the nice weather.

  10. That sounds like the perfect way to spend a beautiful day. It was probably worth falling behind on other things. I've heard so many great things about The Cheese Shop Mysteries. I really need to dive into that series, like so many others. :-) Have a great week!

  11. Your weather sounds so wonderful, thanks for sharing I felt closer to spring just reading it!

  12. Nice to hear you caught some good weather to enjoy the outdoors! I love hiking and exploring the outdoors. Would love to do a long hike someday like the Pacific Crest Trail. Looks like you have a lot of fun cozy mysteries. Happy reading and have a great week!

  13. I'm envious you have weather nice enough to entice you outside! Here in Seattle we've probably got another month at least before it dries out and gets even to 60. This is always the hardest part of the year for me - I'm ready for sun and heat and it's still drizzly and chilly. Great book haul again this week!
    Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  14. Hiking is sure a good way to spin some time in nice weather. Hopefully there will be more warm days.
    Have a great week.

  15. Of course you got some great weather in So Cal after I left! We had some snow again this past week.

  16. Glad you had a fun time!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    And my Sunday Watch for movie and TV fans!

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  17. I'm reading Curds of Prey right now - fun read!
    Mary @Bookfan

  18. Enjoy the nice weather and your new books! There's going to be a blizzard here tomorrow, so it's not spring yet. :)

  19. So many outdoor activities! It sounds like you had a wonderful Saturday. Your books all sound good too. I finished three yesterday and have reviews to write today. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  20. What a great week you had for reading and other activities! I wish I could do better with blogging and reviewing. Life (especially work) has been getting in the way, really since December. I guess the quiet winter months I was dreaming about never happened, and now we're already into spring!

  21. Hiking is always a good reason to get behind on the to-do list. I hope you're having a great week.


  22. I'm glad you got back to your boarding and had a nice hike too. Both are good reasons for not reading. You have some good books coming up, including Curds of Prey. Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  23. The hike sounds wonderful. I love hiking but need to get some in before it gets too hot here. And definitely a good reason to get behind on any to do list. I've been slowly buying up the books in the Mary Marks series. It looks like one I'd really enjoy. Have a great week!


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