Sunday, October 2, 2022

October 2nd's Sunday/Monday Post

Hello, and welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday post on my blog.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's been a few weeks since I've done one of these posts.  But I have a good excuse - I was on vacation again.  And yes, I was cruising again.  This time, I went to Canada and New England.  Sadly, I was too early for fall foliage, but it was still beautiful up there.  We stopped at Quebec City, Prince Edward Island, Sydney, Halifax, and Boston.

Sadly, we had to skip our stop at Bar Harbor since Hurricane Fiona was in the area.  It hit the area in Canada we had visited just a couple of days after we were there.  I don't know what kind of damage was done, but it definitely made it more real to me since I'd just been there.

I was with a friend on this trip, and we spend some extra time in the Boston area after we got off the ship.  We explored Boston, and then went out to Lexington and Concord.  It was wonderful to see the area where so much history for our country took place.

This past week, I was back at work.  With month end close starting again (didn't we just do that?), it was a busy week.  Today, I was out on my paddle board again.  It was so nice and calm out there.

Shall we get to it?

Two Weeks Ago on the Blog:

Sunday - Disney Pin Review: Mad Tea Party - Cuckoo for Disney Pins
Monday - Book Review: Under Lock and Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian
Tuesday - Movie Review: Tremors
Wednesday - Book Review: Deadly Director's Cut by Vicki Delany
Thursday - Ornament Review: Scrabble
Friday - Book Review: Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
Saturday - TV Show Review: Superman & Lois - Season 2

Last Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Disney Pin Review: Ralph Kent Collection - Windows of Main Street
Monday - Ornament Review: Lil' Lightning McQueen
Tuesday - Book Review: Seams Like Murder by Dorothy Howell
Wednesday - Movie Review: Total Recall (1990)
Thursday - Book Review: Mrs. Claus and the Evil Elves by Liz Ireland
Friday - Friday Post featuring Murder at the Mushroom Festival
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Book Review: Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs
Monday - September Reading Summary
Tuesday - Book Review: Staged 4 Murder by J. C. Eaton
Wednesday - Movie Review: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Thursday - Book Review: Murder at the Mushroom Festival by Janet Finsilver
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul

When the week started, I was planning to only have two books to talk about.  I've had two pre-orders arrive in the last two weeks, and I thought they would be the only books I have to talk about.  Last week, Tall Tales, the second in James Riley's Once Upon Another Time series came out on September 20th.  I'm anxious to dive in and find out what happens next to the characters in this fantasy series for middle graders.  This past Tuesday was the release day for Gone for Gouda by Korina Moss.  Again, I'm looking forward to visiting these characters again.

It would have been very impressive if I only had two books to talk about over three weeks, right?  Yet, that didn't happen.  While I was working on my review for Murder at the Mushroom Festival (coming up on Thursday), I discovered that the final two books in the series were on sale, so naturally, I snagged them.  That added Murder at the Marina and Murder in the Wine Country by Janet Finsilver to my book haul.

Then, just a little while ago, I discovered that A Dash of Death by Michelle Hillen Klump was on sale today.  Naturally, I snagged it since I'd had my eye on the book for a while.

At least the last three are Kindle books.

But I'm not done quite yet.  I also started an audio book this past week, which means I got an that from my local library.  I'm working on Deadly Valentine by Carolyn Hart.

What I'm Currently Reading

As I type this, I'm in that rare between books space.  Saturday afternoon, I finished up The Plot and the Pendulum, the thirteenth Library Lover's Mystery from Jenn McKinlay.  Yes, I was working on an ARC since the official release day is still just over a week away.  I'll be reviewing it next Monday, but I'll tease this now, I enjoyed it, which is no surprise since I generally enjoy Jenn's books.

That means next up will be another trip back to 1900 New York City with Murder on Pleasant Avenue by Victoria Thompson.  I'm getting very close to catching up on this series.  The target for catching up is next year.

Of course, that's the books I'm actually reading.  I am listening to Deadly Valentine by Carolyn Hart.  I'm just over half way through the book and really enjoying it.

I think that's it for this week.  Hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. Your trip to Canada and the east coast sounds fantastic. I am itching to travel so am glad I have a short trip planned for the end of this month. This was the first summer in decades that I didn't take a big trip and I am really feeling the impact.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful vacation. I went to high school in a small town just outside of Concord, Massachusetts. I am very tentitivly planning a road trip up to Nova Scotia, PEI, and Quebec. I'm so glad you had a good time and managed to escape the hurricane for the most part.

  3. What a wonderful sounding vacation! Prince Edward Island has always been high up on my Travel list because of the Anne books. I'm reading The Plot and the Pendulum as well. Have a great week!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful trip. I'd love to visit Prince Edward Island. And paddle boarding sounds relaxing. I love kayaking but haven't paddle boarded yet. Always nice to get out on the water... Greg @ Book Haven

  5. Hurray for holidays! I hope you got some rest and relaxation in for the rest of the year! Your blog output is always so inspiring! I really should have a more consistent schedule for myself xD I hope you have a good start to the week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  6. One of these days we will get to Canada again. We have relatives in Ontario that we haven't seen in a while. Your trips sound wonderful.

  7. That sounds like another awesome trip! Some great books too. Have a wonderful week! :-)

  8. An exciting sounding trip! The weather is crazy isn't it?!

    Great looking books. It is rare to have that inbetween time. I haven't had that in a while.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. Sounds like you had a great trip. Glad you missed Fiona.

    All those books look so good. I hope you are enjoying them. Have a great week!

  10. That sounds like a fantastic holiday

  11. I would love to revisit Boston! I spent a weekend there in the 1980s and still remember how great it was. It was in the autumn, which I believe is the best season for it. Enjoy your week.

  12. Sounds like you had a lovely time while on vacation, I am just sorry for all the damage that hurricane did. It was on the news here and it looked terrifaing.

  13. I'd love to visit Boston. In a few years, we're planning a trip to Boston that incorporates a visit to Salem and probably a few other places! Since we'd be coming from the UK, we want to wrap up quite a few things in one trip but Boston and Salem are musts for us... Canada would be a separate trip one day. :)

    Hope you have a good week!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful trip! How fun that you got to spend a few extra days in Boston. I really enjoy Victoria Thompson's series, but am far from being caught up. Have a good week!

  15. Sounds like a nice vacation, hope you enjoyed your time in Canada.
    And may I say, Gone for Gouda is such an excellent title! Have a great week and happy reading!

  16. Hope you had a fun time. I haven't been to Canada in ages. We have some leaves turning, but we won't see full color for at least a couple weeks yet. It's been too warm.

    What a great group of books this week. Hope you enjoy them.

  17. I saw on the news that Fiona did a lot of damage to the Canada coast. It looked terrible. I hope you enjoy your reading this week.
    Mary @Bookfan

  18. Sounds like you had a great and well-timed vacation. Nice the way you missed most of the bad weather. Great assortment of books too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  19. That trip sounds really amazing, I always imagine all that are as so interesting. And of course a little Anne of Green Gables territory.

  20. Your trip sounds really nice. And a plus exploring Boston and surrounding historical locations. So glad you enjoyed that too.
    Nice assortment of books and the current reading looks good to start October. Have a good week and Happy Reading! MarthaE

  21. I've never been on a trip to the area of the world where there is fall foliage during autumn, but I've always wanted to. Boston would be a fantastic place to tour.

    Even if you are reading more books than you'd planned, it sounds like you are enjoying them all. And that is good.

  22. I hope you had a great time on your cruise. Boston and the New England area is beautiful in fall, it's too bad you were too early for it. I hope you enjoy your week.

  23. I am glad you were able to get away for a vacation. My daughter is just discovering the James Riley books. I hope she will like them! Enjoy your reading!


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