Sunday, February 11, 2024

February 11th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

In case you didn't hear for some reason, we've had rain in Southern California this week.  Lots of it.  I'm happy to say I stayed dry.  It really does help to work from home - you don't have to get out in much of it.  And my garage didn't flood like it did in the super bad storm last February.  Today, it's sunny out.  We should be warming to the mid-60's for most of next week.

This Sunday, I went to the Sisters in Crime meeting for the LA Chapter.  It was the first meeting in the new location - Radford Studio Center.  It was raining, and even if it weren't, I couldn't wander around the studio, but I want to.  This is a working studio and was owned by CBS for a while before Mary Tyler Moore bought it.  I hope they give us a tour at some point.

Anyway, the guest was journalist, podcaster, and mystery author Christopher Goffard.  It was an interesting interview.  If you are interested, Sisters in Crime Los Angeles has started a new podcast of their meetings, so check it out.  And if you are in the area, I highly recommend you think about coming to the next meeting in March when Gigi Pandian is going to be the speaker.  Already registered for that one.

In other news, Saturday is game day, so I'll be heading over there in a bit (working on this Saturday morning as a result).

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: Fatal First Edition by Jenn McKinlay
Tuesday - Ornament Review: Jasmine
Wednesday - Book Review: A Scaly Tail of Murder by Jacqueline Vick
Thursday - Movie Review: Ghostbusters - Afterlife
Friday - Book Review: Yankee Doodle Dead by Carolyn Hart
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Let's start this week's book haul with my pre-order.  Mission Manhattan by James Ponti released on Tuesday, and my copy arrived this week.  This is the fifth in his City Spies series for middle graders.  After the cliffhanger at the end of book 4, I've been anxiously awaiting this book.  So glad to finally have it.

The rest of my haul this week is all eARCs.  Up first is In Sunshine or in Shadow by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles.  This is book 20 in the Molly Murphy series set in New York in the early 1900's.  Book 20!  Hard to believe.  I've been reading the series since the beginning, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next to Molly.  The book comes out in March, so I'll be reading it soon.

I have another ARC for a March historical mystery.  This one is Listen, Do You Want to Know a Secret, the third Swinging Sixties Mystery from Teresa Trent.  Obviously, this one takes place in the 1960's, and the setting is a small town in Texas.  The book came out in January, but I'll be reviewing it as part of a blog tour in a little over a month.

My final eARC for the week is for a book coming out in June.  A Collection of Lies is the fifth Kate Hamilton Mystery from Connie Berry.  I always enjoy these trips to England via her novels, so I'm anxious to find out what happens to her characters here.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I said I was anxious awaiting Mission Manhattan, right?  I'm currently about a third of the way into it.  So far, I'm enjoying it.  Part of my motivation was to see what happened with the cliffhanger.  And part of it is because my nephew is getting it for his birthday this week, and I want to be ready when he is ready to discuss it.  I suspect that will be by the middle of this week, so I need to get on it.  (And I'm not worried about my nephew seeing this.  I'm sure he would be more shocked if I didn't give it to him for his birthday.  We were discussing it a month ago, and I didn't come out and say I was getting it for him, but I very strongly implied I was.)

After that, I will be reading Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust, the second Deep Dish Mystery by Mindy Quigley.  I really enjoyed the first back in December, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next to the characters.

That's it for me.  Hope you have a good week.


  1. So many books you and other Sunday Salon participants read! I can’t keep up with you.
    best, mae at

  2. The City Spies series is a good one. I read one (because it was set in Paris---of course). I should look for more of those.

    Glad the terrible rain did not cause problems for you.

    The Sisters in Crime meeting sounds like fun.

  3. That's great that you're reading a book that you're giving your nephew! I did that when my niblings were younger.

  4. I just added the City of Spies series to my TBR. I do love middle grade mysteries. I just discovered Gigi Pandian's Accidental Alchemist series and I love them!

  5. I haven't heard of Sisters in Crime, but it sounds lihe the perfect event and podcast for you!

  6. That Sisters in Crime event sounds great! I hope you enjoyed your Game Day. Have a great week. :)

  7. It's great that you and your nephew will be able to discuss the same book. Sisters in Crime sounds very interesting.

  8. I love that cover for A Collection of Lies. So moody and mysterious.

  9. I'm glad the rain isn't causing problems for you. I've been watching TikTok videos of the flooding, and it looks intense.

  10. I'm glad you were able to stay dry and no flooding your way! Looks like you've read some great books recently and have some excellent reading ahead too.

  11. How fun to be able to chat books with your nephew! Have a great week!

  12. The Sisters of Crime event sounds really fun! I have the Connie Berry book and am really looking forward to it. I've really enjoyed that series. I hope you have a great week!

  13. "It never rains in California, but don't they warn ya, it pours..." I just finished Season 3 of Veronica Mars and this was the outro song playing in the finale. I'm glad you were able to stay dry!

    This is the second time I've seen reference to the Deep Dish Mystery series, and I am intrigued! I'm going to have to check out the series.

  14. We have a Sisters in Crime chapter here in Melbourne too, but I haven't been for years!

  15. You might be interested in the YouTube channel of the Australian Sisters in Crime

    Wishing you a happy and dry reading week.

  16. Sounds like a great meeting and a neat location. Hope you get to tour. Hope you enjoy your books and stay dry for a while.

  17. I have A Collection of Lies on my stack too. I also just got the first Molly Murphy book at an Audible Sale. I'm woefully behind. The City Spies books sound good too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  18. Your post reminds me I bought The Raven Thief by Gigi Pandian (#2 in Secret Staircase series) when it came out and never even started it! She's probably already promoting #3 by now!
    I listened to The Cavendell Codicil audiobook that I saw mentioned on your blog recently, and loved it! I've got a hold on the next book from the library, but my current audiobook has been London by Edward Rutherfurd. 49 hours long!

    1. Yes, the third Secret Staircase book comes out in just over a month, so she's talking about it right now.

      So glad you loved The Canterfell Codicil as much as I did. Not sure when I will get to book 2, but it needs to happen sooner rather than later.

  19. Glad to hear you survived the rain!


  20. I took acting lessons on one of the soundstages at CBS many moons ago. Such a thrill and an honor.


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