Friday, February 23, 2024

February 23rd's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday, and this week's Friday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

This week, I'll be pulling my teasers for the first three from Take the Honey and Run by Jennie Marts.

This is the first book in the Bee Keeping Mysteries.  And isn't that such a great punny title?

The book gets off to a great start:

The speedometer ticked up another notch, matching Bailey Briggs’s pulse as she and her daughter drove down the two-lane highway heading toward her hometown of Humble Hills, Colorado.

I was immediately interested to learn why she was in such a hurry to get there.

Meanwhile, 56% into the ebook finds Bailey in a bit of a situation.  She's trying to get out of a house she's broken into looking for clues before she's caught.

Her stupid wet shoe foiled her again, the sole slipping on the slick rim, and her foot landed back in the toilet with a splash.
She pressed her lips together to hold back the squeal as the cold water seeped through her already damp sock.
Then she heard a noise behind her as the bathroom door swung open and Sawyer’s stern voice commanded, “Hold it right there.”


This is a fun book.  I hope you'll come back for my full review on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, here is this week's Book Blogger Hop:

How do you organize your bookshelves?


When I figure moved into my condo, 20 years ago, I was very deliberate in how I set things up.  I put certain authors on certain shelves.  There wasn't a certain pattern to it, but I knew where stuff was.

That's all out the window.  Most of those authors have burst well beyond their bookshelves and are all over the place.  To even have a hope of organizing my shelves, I'd need more of them.  And I have no idea where I would put them if I bought them.

Besides, I'd much rather be reading.

On that note, I hope your weekend plans include some reading time.  Mine do.  Have a great one.


  1. My organisational system is also nonexistent xD I had plans and dreams and hopes and the reality is that the books land where they land. But at least I know exactly where they are! Your book sounds very interesting and I too hate the feeling of socks getting wet, it's the worst. I hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I had the same thought as you, why is she is such a rush?

  3. I love the sound of that book and the cover is cute.

    I have bookshelves all over the house and there are random books on them. No chance of properly organising them.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. This sounds like a good one. Love the title and cover.

  5. You moved into your condo just one year before I moved into mine. I wasn't much of a reader 19 years ago, so my bookshelves were used for craft supplies. As I started reading more, I moved most of my craft supplies into the closet and put the few books I owned on the bookshelves. At this point, it's just out of control. I still have high hopes of organizing it, I just don't know when I'll make the time to do that. Happy reading and have a great weekend. :)

  6. That second excerpt made me chuckle. Take the Honey and Run sounds fun. I will have to check it out. Space for bookshelves is a definite problem for the booklover. As much as I like to keep my shelves organized, even with occasional culling, it doesn't take long for them to overflow again. I hope you have a great weekend, Mark!

  7. I know where my books are too. I am sort of organized, but I organize by the date read. :)

    Thanks for your answer.

  8. This sounds like so much fun! Both excerpts drew me in. I'm adding this to my wishlist right now. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  9. Bee Keeping Mysteries? Sign me up! Sounds like a fun read!

  10. This series is high up on my TBR. It looks really fun. I have my bookshelves organized in a way that is kind of by genre but with a bit of a veer into read and not read.


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