Friday, March 8, 2013

Book Beginnings and Friday 56 for March 8th

It's my birthday edition of Book Beginnings and Friday 56!  Time to party!!

This week's book is Red Velvet Cupcake Murder by Joanne Fluke.  I'm not too far into it - just barely past page 56 in fact.  So far, I'm enjoying it.

Anyway, the first sentence is:

"You're staring at my again!"  Hannah Swensen emerged from the bathroom in a cloud to steam, a towel wrapped around her unruly red curls.

And now for a sentence from page 56:

Moishe started to purr, and Hannah wondered if it was a reaction to what she'd told him, or whether the purr was just a coincidence.

So there you have it.  Ironically enough, both characters are involved in both sentences.

And if you are looking for a review of the book I used for last week's edition, it will be posted by the end of the day today.  Check back around 6 PM California time.


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed several books by this I'm adding this one. I love the title, as well as the excerpts.


    1. I love this series. I've read all of them as soon as they come out.

  2. Replies
    1. Does it make any difference if Moishe is a cat?


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